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Dinah Kord ([info]bwa_ha_ha) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
@ 2010-07-26 21:31:00

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Entry tags:dinah kord, goldstar

Mark Your Calendars
The Time Bubble appeared on a Gotham City rooftop with minimal fanfare, drawing as little attention to itself as possible.  It was many years before the current generation of heroes would be born, many years before many of their parents would even meet.  It was an era were Gotham was blessed by three guardians, a Batman, a Robin, and a Batgirl.  It was a happier time and an era where the evil did not seem quite so terrible.

"The Calendar Man?" Dinah asked Riley.  "Really?  We're here to stop the Calendar Man?"

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2010-08-07 03:02 am UTC (link)
Batman did a quick assessment of the pair. The girl was clearly smarter and better spoken.

The boy was an idiot.

"Don't let me catch you out here again. You won't like it if I do." Batman says, fixing them both with his coldest glare.

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2010-08-07 03:08 am UTC (link)
Another grin. Clearly, everything was going just fine.

"It'll be a very long time indeed before you ever see us in Gotham again."

He gives Dinah a confident nod, thumping his chest lightly, as if to say 'I got this.'

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2010-08-07 03:17 am UTC (link)
Dinah wondered if there was a rock she could go crawl under.

"You have our word, Sir," she said. "You won't see us again."

She took a step back under the glare. "Failing that, I'd like to exercise my right to a separate interrogation."

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2010-08-07 03:25 am UTC (link)
Batman takes several steps forward to stand look Riley directly in the eyes.

"This is not a game or a joke. You two could get yourselves killed dressed up like this with no training or ideas. If I'd been any of a dozen people during your 'moment' just now, you'd both be dead." Batman says.

Something about the boy reminded him of someone he didn't like very much, but he couldn't think of who just then.

"Who are you?" he says, looking at Dinah. Perhaps he'd better follow these two home to make sure they didn't try going out again when he turned his back.

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2010-08-07 02:03 pm UTC (link)
Riley's good humor disappears, and he looks right back at Batman.

"We've got plenty of training, Bats, and we're not playing games. This is one of those situations where we jeopardize others by saying too much, but let me just tell you that we're here for a reason, and we've got work to do."

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2010-08-08 01:06 am UTC (link)
Dinah didn't know whether to be embarrassed by Riley for arguing with Batman or proud of him for having the courage to stand up like that.

"We're people who're here for a reason, Sir," Dinah told Batman. "I don't expect you to understand or even trust us, and I wish that I could say more. But it's important, very important, that we do what we came here to do."

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2010-08-08 03:20 am UTC (link)
Batman listened carefully to their words. They believed they were here for a reason and they couldn't talk about it. He'd heard that talk before, from people like Booster Gold.

He was not fond of Booster Gold or his sidekick, Blue Beetle.

"I don't trust or understand you. You picked the wrong people to impersonate and you picked my city to do it in." Batman says.

"I'll be watching you both. Don't step out of line." Batman says, feeling he doesn't need to elaborate on the or else.

He glares at the pair, expecting them to take the hint that their leaving now is a head-state option.

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2010-08-08 03:30 am UTC (link)
...that worked?

Of course it worked!

"Don't worry. We're professionals." Riley fires off another swing line and takes off.

Once they're a safe distance away, he rolls his eyes and puts on a guttural rasp. "'You picked my city to do it in.'"

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2010-08-08 03:38 am UTC (link)
Dinah, who had been following after, couldn't help but laugh, bwa-ha-ha style.

"Oh, God. I'd forgotten how creepy he could be. I can't believe you stood up to him like that."

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2010-08-08 01:56 pm UTC (link)
"It wasn't any big deal. I just kept reminding myself he's a grown man running around dressed like a small animal."

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2010-08-08 05:06 pm UTC (link)
Dinah smirked, adjusting her swing a little bit. "There," she said. "Gotham Museum of Natural History. That's where Rip said it would be."

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2010-08-08 05:12 pm UTC (link)
"All right. Let's see how much trouble some stupid calendar-themed bad guy can really be." They head for the rooftop.

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