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Shiera Hall//Nicolette Hall ([info]hawkgirl) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
@ 2010-07-23 12:32:00

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Entry tags:dr fate, inactive - aleea strange, inactive - mickey rayner, inactive - mikey dugan, inactive - nicolette hall, inactive - warhawk, inactive - wendi tyler, plot - "thanagarian invasion", will freeman

Caged! Thanagar Invades!
Nic came to and wherever it was that she was coming to it was hot.  Stupid hot.  So hot that she felt heavy and gross and didn't right away realize that the extra weight she felt on her wings was in fact extra weight.  Groaning, she went to move and discovered a curious Tharok petting her.


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Re: Memphis: Fate, Aleea, Rex
2010-08-08 03:26 am UTC (link)
"Doc, my plan involves getting my sister out of here in one piece no matter how many Thanagarians I need to cut my way through. That's my plan.

In a word, no." Rex says.

He takes a moment to breathe a little.

"I don't know much about Thanagarians...except when it comes to beer." Rex says, a little ashamed. Mom didn't like to talk about Thanagar and Dad refused to. What was he supposed to do?

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Re: Memphis: Fate, Aleea, Rex
2010-08-08 03:30 am UTC (link)
"I see." He draws upon his knowledge from the helmet.

"I fear I may not be as much of a magical power house as you would expect. Nth metal can disrupt magic. Therefore they can hurt me. But I can still hurt them, so long as I am careful. Let us go and face them. It is the only way to get on board their ship in order to see if this is the one that holds your sister."

Mark is entirely reasonable as a person. As Doctor Fate he may come off as overly cool and logical. But he does care about the fate of the team.

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Re: Memphis: Fate, Aleea, Rex
2010-08-08 03:47 am UTC (link)
"Anti-gravity tech powered by Nth metal, which is a superconductor an disrupts magic," Aleea supplied. "Beyond that, an overly military culture that produces warriors good at thinking in three dimensions."

She grinned. "Nothing a Rannian can't handle."

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