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Shiera Hall//Nicolette Hall ([info]hawkgirl) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
@ 2010-07-23 12:32:00

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Entry tags:dr fate, inactive - aleea strange, inactive - mickey rayner, inactive - mikey dugan, inactive - nicolette hall, inactive - warhawk, inactive - wendi tyler, plot - "thanagarian invasion", will freeman

Caged! Thanagar Invades!
Nic came to and wherever it was that she was coming to it was hot.  Stupid hot.  So hot that she felt heavy and gross and didn't right away realize that the extra weight she felt on her wings was in fact extra weight.  Groaning, she went to move and discovered a curious Tharok petting her.


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2010-07-27 02:27 am UTC (link)
"Lets get the YJLA and the Outsiders on standby, too...if we can," Will says. he wished he wasn't going to Vegas. he didn't know a damn thing about the town, but at least Mikey knew where they were going.

The Speed of Hermes didn't hurt, either.

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2010-07-27 02:43 am UTC (link)
"Shazam is correct. The YJLA is a well organized team. If we call upon them they will help us. Might I also suggest the Teen Titans? They are also a team we should be able to trust to do what's best should we need the back up." Dr Fate offers in that same tone that indicates he is simply offering advice. He will not force them to do as he thinks.

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2010-07-27 12:47 pm UTC (link)
"Fate does have a good point. We should at least make the call and tell them we're going in first, so that we don't have everyone running into each other." Rex says.

"Once the Thanagarians deploy troops, we're going to need people on the ground. Maybe the Justice League can handle some of it. We can ask the Titans to keep an eye on Las Vegas, since they're out that way." Rex says.

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2010-07-27 05:21 pm UTC (link)
"Let's do it then," Aleea said. "We're burning time here."

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2010-07-30 01:45 pm UTC (link)
"Enough standing around then. Let's go."

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