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Shiera Hall//Nicolette Hall ([info]hawkgirl) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
@ 2010-07-23 12:32:00

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Entry tags:dr fate, inactive - aleea strange, inactive - mickey rayner, inactive - mikey dugan, inactive - nicolette hall, inactive - warhawk, inactive - wendi tyler, plot - "thanagarian invasion", will freeman

Caged! Thanagar Invades!
Nic came to and wherever it was that she was coming to it was hot.  Stupid hot.  So hot that she felt heavy and gross and didn't right away realize that the extra weight she felt on her wings was in fact extra weight.  Groaning, she went to move and discovered a curious Tharok petting her.


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2010-07-23 05:32 pm UTC (link)
The Thanagarian laughed as she shoved Nic's face back down to the cot and continued petting her wings.

"They're amazing, your wings. For your bloodline to have been polluted you have absolutely perfect wings. The Thanagarian ideal. Everything about you," his hand drifted down her back and to the curve of her ass, "is perfect. Are you certain you're half-Earth dirt? Doesn't matter. You are going to make fine babies for me."

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2010-07-23 05:33 pm UTC (link)

He had her pinned to the cot, but she could still kick and kick she did, shaking Tharok off of her.

"My brother will come for me and he is going to cut off your wings and keep them as goddamn trophies you smelly piece of birdshit!"

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2010-07-23 05:38 pm UTC (link)
Tharok chuckled as he moved away from her. She was fiesty. He liked that in a girl.

"Your brother is likely dead and even if he did manage to tell your stupid little Earth friends about what happened, they're going to be too busy dealing with this."

The winged man moved to the other side of the room, a room Nic would notice was actually a cell of some kind, and turned on a television.

Breaking news from the CNN newsroom...three massive alien ships have appeared over Washington DC, Las Vegas, and Memphis tonight. Details are few right now but it is believed that these are Thanagarian warships, the same kinds of vessels that appeared over Washington DC during the failed Thanagarian Invasion of....

"No one's coming for you...what is it your brother calls you? Feathers. Yes. No one's coming for you, Feathers. They've more important things to deal with."

Smiling, Tharok moved back to her, grabbed her by the throat and held her still as he kissed her.

"I'll be back."

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