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Warhawk ([info]warriorwilled) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
@ 2010-07-14 22:00:00

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Entry tags:dr fate, inactive - aleea strange, inactive - mikey dugan, inactive - warhawk, plot - "thanagarian invasion", will freeman

Calling in Back-Up (Open to JSA)
Rex asked Aleea to take him to the Brownstone, rather than his place, or even  a hospital. He'd find a way to deal with the pain, but the important thing right now was finding Nicolette. He was still pissed at himself for letting Tharok take her and for losing in the first place. Now, he had to find her before Tharok decided to go after Mom and Carter.

Of course, if he called to warn them, he'd have to explain that Nic had been taken. Mom and Carter would be back in America so fast his head would spin, even if they had to fly across the ocean themselves.

Rather than start that chain of events, Rex limps into the Brownstone and starts looking for anyone who is around.

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2010-07-15 03:25 am UTC (link)
"Anyone else you want to wait on, Rex?" Aleea asked.

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2010-07-15 03:31 am UTC (link)
"Hey, thank you all. This means a lot." Rex says. He tries not to breathe so deeply as his ribs are still busted, and everyone can see the bruising under his helmet.

"Yeah, Aleea. I need to see if Mickey and Steven are in on this, too. And I gotta call Hope. She knows Nic, so she'll at least keep my parents contained if nothing else." Rex says.

"Guys, the only thing I know so far is that some bastard named Tharok has taken her. He's a Thanagarian, and he's doing this as revenge against my mother. Apparently, she and my old man beat the crap out of his old man, so this is some kind of honor thing for him." Rex says.

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2010-07-15 03:55 am UTC (link)
He's caught up on the situation quickly enough, costuming himself in the speedforce - just has to grab the hat.

"You know I'm in. Where's he at, I'll do some recon while everyone else is getting there. May as well know as much as we can."

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2010-07-15 04:05 am UTC (link)
Mark nods to the speedster. Then notes Mickey is not yet here. He doesn't want to shake things up by suggesting they leave. He still has to don his helmet and the amulet.

"Excuse me. I must go get my things," he murmurs bowing out of the room to go fetch what he needs. He figured they wouldn't miss him if he left for a minute.

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2010-07-15 04:13 am UTC (link)
"That...that's not right. Family is off limits."

Wills voice, although soft, was strangled. his clenched fists and distant, angry expression was enough to show that he had heard everything. He walked out from where he was after hearing everything, and he walked with a purpose.


With the taller Marvel now standing near the other survivors, Marvels normally goofy smile was gone. In its place was a serious expression never seen on Will before.

"You mess with the Society, you mess with a family. We'll find Mickey, then we go beat the crap out of this Turok guy. Sound like a plan?"

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2010-07-15 05:16 am UTC (link)
Steven is off in a blur of red once he has the rough directions, not planning to engage - just get some idea of the situation and layout for everyone else. Garricks do have the history of being the sensible ones - especially as speedsters go.

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2010-07-15 10:54 pm UTC (link)
"Let me go get my costume. I'll be right back."

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2010-07-15 11:04 pm UTC (link)
“The bad guys never learn do they,” Mikey said having some personal experience with that. God damn Nazi assholes. At least it got dad off his case about causing a power outage that took out over half the town.

He rapidly types something in on the gauntlet on his right wrist to change which PATTON he was using.

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2010-07-15 11:05 pm UTC (link)
"Someone's got Nic?" Mickey's face was set in a cold grimace as she entered the room.

You did NOT just mess with her best friend and get away with it. No sir.

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2010-07-19 01:06 am UTC (link)
"Yeah. His name is Tharok and we need to find him. He's been watching for a while, so the best bet, to start, is moving from the museum and fanning out.

If anyone finds anything, they call for back-up. We don't know what else this guy is capable of, but he wants Nic alive. I don't know if he's got back-up of his own coming." Rex says.

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2010-07-19 01:35 am UTC (link)
Aleea knew Rex wouldn't like this admission, but it needed to be said. "He beat the rannca juice out of Rex, people. You need to be careful."

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2010-07-19 01:37 am UTC (link)
Wendi returned in costume.

"That's... not good."

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2010-07-19 01:42 am UTC (link)
"Steven, Wendi, and I are the fastest, so we can scout out ahead. We'll get to St. Roch, then spread out from there. Sound good?"

Hearing Aleenas words didn't phase Will.

"I'm a Marvel. I've been smacked with robotic claws and stomped on by 100 ton robots. I doubt he'll beat the tar out of me."

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2010-07-19 01:49 am UTC (link)
“I can send some scout bots out to help search,” Mikey said. PATTON was pretty tough so he figured he could take care of him while he had the scouts searching or at least buy him sometime to get out of other. Though he really should start working on some handheld weapons.

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2010-07-19 01:55 am UTC (link)
"I will also do what I can," Mark says. His voice echoes quite a bit while he is in his guise as Doctor Fate.

"I shall attempt to scry for his location. I do not know how successful I will be though. I am drawing more on my own experience at this point."

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