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littleladylord ([info]littleladylord) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
@ 2010-07-13 23:38:00

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Entry tags:avia free, cait curry, cindy lord, corinna prince, dinadan palmer, dinah kord, firestorm, goldstar, inactive - traya smith, iris west, jerry carr, jon kent, npc - jai west, petra gardner, tyler darnell

25 July: It's My Party
Four different kinds of gourmet Macaroni and Cheese. Stacks upon stacks of different finger sandwiches, with the yards worth of crusts used to make a couple of heated trays of bread pudding. A pineapple-banana-pecan cake possibly bigger than the birthday girl herself. A small table of vegan stuff, just in case.

Cindy couldn't stop grinning at it. Had she found awesome caterers or what?

The band specialized in swing covers of hard rock songs, but could play just about anything. There was a dance floor. All her friends from school were there, dressed to the eights.

Of course, all Cindy's friends from school didn't really fill up the little reception hall. And she certainly didn't have a big family. But that was okay, more room for her soon-to-be-colleagues fellow super-brats.

And so she scurried, from arrival to arrival, for cheerful welcomes.

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2010-07-15 04:29 am UTC (link)
"J'onn is probably a good choice anyway for helping with your kind of abilities. You thinking of trying out the superhero life?"

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2010-07-15 04:33 am UTC (link)
"I guess he would. I don't have control issues or anything. I've got a good handle on them, don't even get nosebleeds."

She nods. "Mmhmm. The moratorium expires today. I can start exploring my options."

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2010-07-15 04:38 am UTC (link)
"That's good to hear, but always nice to talk to an expert with similar powers. You might also look into the Titans or JSA - they both do a fair amount of field training."

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2010-07-15 04:55 am UTC (link)
"The Titans are a bit crowded with people who are really new at it these days, from what it sounds like. I kinda feel like I'd be making it overkill. Hadn't really thought of the JSA."

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2010-07-15 04:58 am UTC (link)
He nods. "Well, the Titans did get their start as the teen titans... newcomers are part of their tradition. The JSA trainees have been making a pretty good showing... and have things set up for training newcomers, ever since Stargirl and all showed up."

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2010-07-15 05:07 am UTC (link)
"...Yeah. Good point." Cindy tries to keep her voice schooled evenly. She was putting a lot of effort into essentially branding herself as responsible, shrewd, and totally on top of things. She had to avoid sounding disappointed just because an idea wasn't going just the way she'd envisioned. She had to take the advice under consideration in a mature way as shrewd individuals do.

"I'll see about getting in touch with J'onn. Thanks."

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2010-07-15 05:13 am UTC (link)
"No problem. If there's anything I can do to help, let me know. We can always use more good people in the field."

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2010-07-15 05:30 am UTC (link)
"Cool. Hey, got you a party favor."
And she grabs from the appropriate table the neatly rolled up set of papers indicating anonymous donations at well-reputed local Kansas and Metropolis food banks.
She flashes a small smile. "I figured since it was for you, Anonymous'd be about right. Just my guess."

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2010-07-15 03:37 pm UTC (link)
"Wow.... thanks, its perfect. And yeah... I appreciate that."

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2010-07-15 11:26 pm UTC (link)
"Great. Okay, gotta scurry around for a bit. Enjoy the food, and I'm sure you can find somebody to dance if you want to." She'll smile again and then hurry over to other people.

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