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Mike Blood ([info]partdemon) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
@ 2010-07-11 23:34:00

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Entry tags:corinna prince, inactive - aquaknight, inactive - traya smith, jon kent, mike blood, npc - batman, npc - maxine gibson, plot - "blood trail", team - jla

The Road to Hell

This had all been a complete waste of his time. Why his dad sent him to talk to the eccentric billionaire Bruce Wayne was beyond him. His dad had said to trust him so he had told him the whole thing about a group of demons appearing out of nowhere and attacking him. He had left out some of the more graphic details about how he had dealt with the problem a since he didn’t want to give the old guy a heart attack. Some people just don’t age as well as his dad.

When Mr. Wayne said there was nothing he could do to help. He had expected that but for the life of him he could not figure out why his dad had sent him there. He left the manor quite annoyed and was going to walk till he had a chance to cool off. Sometime his dad could be really cryptic and unhelpful.

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2010-08-08 02:04 am UTC (link)
Traya was lucky her powers gave her speed and range. Keeping out of the reach of the demons and hammering them with tornado blasts was easy enough, for now.

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2010-08-17 07:16 pm UTC (link)
With some room, finally, Jon moves to support Traya's effort. Time to take control of the skies, take away one of the major advantages of the demons.

He augments the tornado blasts with a tornado force super breath, trying to sweep demons out of the skies.

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