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Shiera Hall//Nicolette Hall ([info]hawkgirl) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
@ 2010-07-09 22:52:00

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Entry tags:inactive - nicolette hall, steven garrick, will freeman

Lone Hawk. (Timebendied to post-Thanagarian Invasion)
Nic sat on the end of her bed in the Brownstone with her mace on her lap, wings tucked and folded behind her and the incantation that Rex had taught her to hide the wings entirely firmly in place--an unusual thing for a girl typically extremely proud of her feathers.  She'd been back from the clutches of Tharok for a bit now, but she kept increasingly more to herself.  At first it was marginal, but bit by bit she stopped hanging out in the living room, stopped eating with others, stopped training, stopped going out and causing trouble.  Now if she escaped her room at all, it was to grab the bacon from the fridge and run back to her room.

Today, though, she hadn't come out at all. 

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2010-07-10 04:49 am UTC (link)
"Just between you and me, she was the one who suggested the two of you take me clubbing. I've never gone. And she likes bowling... good thing for three people too and you can kick my ass at it. Another thing I've never done." he explains while working lower on her feathers, getting in towards her shoulder.

"And yes, you looked amazing in it. Bastard though he was, I can't say I blame him for the expression. You're really pretty when you let yourself be."

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2010-07-10 04:50 am UTC (link)
That got a brow arch.

"Explain 'let'."

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2010-07-10 04:55 am UTC (link)
He works in close to the shoulder, then works down from there as he talks. "Mostly when you're around Mickey, when you let yourself relax a little. Most of the time you're so tense, or trying to keep people at a distance. You're always pretty... but you're a lot prettier when you smile."

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2010-07-10 05:05 am UTC (link)
"I smile." She pauses. "Right? I smile when I, uh...crap."

Truth was, Nic spent the lion's share of her time with Mickey and when she wasn't with Mickey she was about as friendly as Rex was...which wasn't saying much. She was always a little rough, a little gruff--more Carter, less Shayera.

"I think you're the only person who notices."

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2010-07-10 05:07 am UTC (link)
"I'm observant. A couple seconds here and there gives me a lot of time to look around. And yes, every now and then, when you're not thinking about it, you smile... and you should do it more often."

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2010-07-10 05:29 am UTC (link)
"Yeah. Well."

She fidgeted a little. And then a lot.

"I don't particularly know how. Not a lot to smile about. I can't even properly defend myself."

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2010-07-10 05:35 am UTC (link)
"Pardon the language, but bull. I've seen you handle the mace, I've heard about your skill. I also understand that Thanagar is a warrior culture. Getting taken down by one of their best doesn't mean anything. Any of us would have lost one on one. As for the smile... well, we'll have to work on that."

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2010-07-10 05:37 am UTC (link)
"It's my dad's mace. Well, one of them. I'm probably going to give it back. I'm thinking about turning in the armor and the vambraces and stuff. I shouldn't have been carried off by Tharok the Smelly. And I should have taken better care of my brother."

She shrugged a little.

"How would one work on a smile? This is a serious question. And if the answer involves bacon I'm sold."

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2010-07-10 05:40 am UTC (link)
"You should hang on to it a bit longer. Tharok has a lot of experience on you. Nothing to be ashamed of. And you do the armored look pretty good."

He ponders the second question a little longer. "I don't know, but I'm willing to experiment a bit to help you find out. Hmmm, backrubs, free preening service, clubbing, bowling, double bacon cheeseburger, ice cream... any of those sound like they might help with the smiling practice?"

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2010-07-10 06:04 am UTC (link)
"They all sound good!" She affords him a smile without realizing she's doing it. "But...you don't have to rub my back or preen me...though you really do a good job with the preening. Do you have preening experience?"

She shakes her head. "You don't gotta do anything special for me. I never turn down a bacon cheeseburger or a trip clubbing, but I don't want to put anyone out."

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2010-07-10 06:07 am UTC (link)
"If it was putting me out I wouldn't offer. I don't have to... I want to. I like seeing you happy, Mickey likes seeing you happy, all works out. And no... no preening experience, or really, experience with anything except running. I just learn fast."

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2010-07-10 06:09 am UTC (link)
She's quiet a moment, thinking about what he's saying and what he's said. Slowly, she casts a slightly skeptical green-eyed gaze at him.

"If you're doing this to get through my Bad Date filter and get to Mickey, I'm really not going to mace you. You're okay. I decided that pretty early on but Mickey called dibs."

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2010-07-10 06:12 am UTC (link)
"Mickey already accepted a second date... the three of us are going clubbing or bowling, if you're up for it. I'm doing this because I want to. Check out the Garrick family history sometime. We have a long tradition of being too nice for our own good... though I appreciate the lack of macing. You're not getting rid of me that easy though."

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2010-07-10 06:16 am UTC (link)
"I maintain that it's not a date when you're dragging a third along. Dates are for...possibly getting kisses and snuggles. I think. I'm not clear on this, but I'm reasonably certain they don't include the winggirl. C'mon man...help me out. I'm already having issues enough dealing with change, don't make me watch up close two people I like get close and replace me, okay?"

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2010-07-10 04:42 pm UTC (link)
"Then we won't get close and snuggle. I'll happily dance with you too... far as I know, clubbing isn't exactly close dancing. Let's go have some fun... it won't be a date, just hanging out, having some fun, and getting you out of the dark here for a bit. Or you and I could go do something... like go for double bacon cheeseburgers and ice cream. Or we can just stay here and talk... but like it or not, Mickey likes you, and I like you. And neither of us is going to let you wallow."

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2010-07-10 04:57 pm UTC (link)
"You really are hell bent on this, aren't you?"

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2010-07-10 05:02 pm UTC (link)
"Yep. You have friends, like it or not."

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2010-07-10 05:10 pm UTC (link)
"I don't think this is a good idea. I have a jealous streak about ten miles wide, Steven. And apparently I am also clueless. And grumpy. And I'm more or less turning into my father in disposition...and for the record there is a lot of physical contact in clubs. Loads of it. I usually use it to my advantage."

She was babbling a little. This was going to get increasingly difficult. Why was he was being nice? Why was he trying? She sighed.

"So when exactly were you planning on leading me to my doom?"

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2010-07-10 05:15 pm UTC (link)
"I'm not. I'm going to come by, preen your wings, offer backrubs and offer to take you out for burgers or bring you ice cream until you get your smiling quota in for the day. Mickey is the one dragging us both out to the club. And if you're feeling jealous, I'll back off, or you can dance with her, or I'll dance with you... it'd be a pleasure. Either way, I get to go to a club with the /two/ hottest girls there."

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2010-07-10 05:21 pm UTC (link)
"Wing preening is a slippery slope." Nic nods resolutely. "But you do a damn good job. Ugh. This is going to go so badly for me, but fine. Okay. We'll all go out. I'll try not to grope anyone. Much."

Which was a pretty good resolution for Nic, all things considered.

"You know you should be trying to keep me away from Mickey. For the record."

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2010-07-10 05:26 pm UTC (link)
"I don't want to keep you away from Mickey. I'd like to see the BFF's spend more time together. The last thing in the world I want is to take her away from her friends just because I'm dating her. And if something happens between you two, I'm happy to share, or just end up being the tagalong. And out clubbing, if she's ok with it, you're welcome to grope Mickey... I'm not the jealous type. I'll enjoy the show."

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2010-07-10 05:28 pm UTC (link)
"You haven't considered that I might grope you." She quirked her brow a little and studied his face. He was far more reasonable than pretty much ever male she'd ever encountered.

It confused her.

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2010-07-10 05:35 pm UTC (link)
"Talk to Mickey. If she's ok with that, I am. I wasn't kidding when I said you were beautiful, or that you looked really good in that bikini. I'm not going to cheat on your friend, but if she knows about it, that's something else. If she's happy with whatever comes of this, I am."

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2010-07-10 05:44 pm UTC (link)
That was unexpected and for a moment, Nic was dumbstruck into silence, a little bit of color creeping into her cheeks.

"Wow. Ok."

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2010-07-10 05:49 pm UTC (link)
"In my reality, such as it was, one day Wally was dating Jesse, then the next he had never dated Jesse and was dating a vague image of someone named Raven... ten minutes later he was married to Linda. I'm still trying to get used to hard things like linear time and fixed objects. I like Mickey, I'm not going anywhere... but if she's seeing you, or she's ok with you groping me... I'm not going to complain. You're cute... and I really like the wings."

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(no subject) - [info]hawkgirl, 2010-07-10 05:54 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]madeofgoesfast, 2010-07-10 05:59 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]hawkgirl, 2010-07-10 06:02 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]geekgreek, 2010-07-11 05:42 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]hawkgirl, 2010-07-11 05:47 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]madeofgoesfast, 2010-07-11 05:56 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]geekgreek, 2010-07-11 06:02 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]hawkgirl, 2010-07-11 06:05 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]madeofgoesfast, 2010-07-11 06:07 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]geekgreek, 2010-07-11 06:10 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]hawkgirl, 2010-07-11 06:15 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]madeofgoesfast, 2010-07-11 06:39 am UTC

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