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whydowescream ([info]whydowescream) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
@ 2010-07-07 04:06:00

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Entry tags:jayhawk, mourning dove

Just Slightly Backdated.
It was Their Birthday. There had been several previous occasions of joint celebration, starting, as the story went, when Mrs. Morgenstern and Mrs. Sayers had beds next to each other at the hospital.

Her parents had gotten new 'nice outfits' for her and Jay. Her sisters had gotten her a new wallet, a small photo album, and a dry-erase board. For Jay, they had chipped in to get him a new alarm clock.

Ruth herself had acquired and packaged together some touch-up paint and cleaning supplies for the Buick.

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2010-07-08 06:34 pm UTC (link)
This is always one of those days for Jay. He loves Ruth's birthday. Her family has always been close, and he has always been able to feel it when he goes over there. He can appreciate seeing her gifts and all the personal touches, and how well they know their daughter or sister.
He has very limited money, and hasn't had much for a long time, so he gets her the same thing he's gotten her for some time now. 'Breakfast in bed' was always, improper in the Morgenstern house, of course, but when she gets up and comes to the kitchen there'll be bacon, eggs, blueberry pancakes and a blender-made strawberry milkshake. There's a white rose laid along the top edge of the plate as well. All of her chores, limited as they are here, are done, and her favorite movie is resting on the coffee table in the TV room for a post-lunch viewing.

Conversely, he hates his birthday. Oh, he loves the in-joke of the alarm clock - he's gotten a progressively louder one a few times, and adores the Morgenstern kids for it. The new outfit is also a necessity - having something nice to make a good impression on college officials was something he'd been worried about, so its a huge relief, and he makes sure that his thank you letter to the Morgensterns is written by the end of the day. In particular, he makes sure to include a photo copy of his acceptance letter to Cal in the thank you letter. After all, that definitely never would have happened without them.
The bit he tries hard to do when Ruth is still asleep or not around is checking the mail. Then checking it again. He didn't expect anything from his mother, he knows better. But he checks anyway. Odds are that a card will show up some time in the next couple weeks, maybe. If it does, he gives it a 40 percent chance his mother's signature will be in Rev. Morgenstern's handwriting. It wa last year, and then he was even home.

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