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notthelantern ([info]notthelantern) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
@ 2010-07-05 22:40:00

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Entry tags:goldstar, inactive - alex rice-matthews

Green and Gold (Backdated to July 1st)
Alex had gotten some very irritating news recently. Something important he'd need to do. But first he'd need to do something more important in his eyes. So he called Riley Carter and asked him to meet him atop the JSA Brownstone in costume a warm July afternoon.

And that's where he'll be found. In costume, the Green Lantern is sitting in the air near a cooler. He seems nervous about something and frequently checks the air for incoming gold-clad heroes...

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2010-07-08 01:42 am UTC (link)
Alex frowns when he notices the grimace. He lets it go though.

The hug is readily accepted, the Lantern holding on tight for a moment. "Thanks..." he says softly.

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