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dc_baddie ([info]dc_baddie) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
@ 2010-07-05 19:17:00

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Entry tags:inactive - aleea strange, inactive - nicolette hall, inactive - warhawk, plot - "thanagarian invasion"

Thanagarian Invasion! Part 1: Hawk Vengeance.
There was a saying that revenge was a dish best served cold.  As he flew the night skies over St. Roch, Tharok began to understand exactly what that saying meant.  He had come to earth for one purpose and one purpose alone: to seek revenge upon she who had sullied his father's name and reputation--Shayera Hol.  Years ago she had been Thanagarian and loyal, an advance sent by the Thanagarian forces to assist in the invasion of the pathetic little planet Earth.  But she had betrayed Thanagar and betrayed the man she was bound to and the invasion force was sent back in shame.  None had borne the shame more than Hro Talak, Tharok's father.  The once-proud man spend the rest of his life disgraced, shamed, and shattered and Tharok refused to permit his father to die entirely a failure.  It had taken him years to work his way up in the Thanagarian forces and then years beyond that to convince the government to attempt a second Earth invasion but he had finally done it.  Tharok himself went first to gather information--and kill Shayera.

But upon arriving Tharok found something more interesting than just killing Shayera: her children.  A plot formed in his mind, one that would cause great suffering to Shayera, something that would haunt her the rest of her days.  MUCH more effective than killing her.  Rex Stewart and Nicolette Hall would pay for their mother's crimes.

Swooping down in the darkness, Tharok had gathered enough information.  Tonight was the night to act and with something of a gleeful smirk on his face, the true Thanagarian began to break into the Hawk's beloved museum.

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2010-07-06 01:17 am UTC (link)
Rex is out on patrol when he hears the alarm from the museum. Rex has to laugh to himself a little. No one's tried to break into the museum in years, and the last time they did...well, he heard that guy was walking now, with assistance.

"Time for a teaching moment." Warhawk grins and flies in the direction of the St. Roch Museum.

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2010-07-06 03:35 am UTC (link)
It wasn't even a serious break-in attempt, just a reason to get Rex Stewart there. With any luck, his little tagalong would be with him. Two 'birds'...

One of the double glass doors was broken. Beyond it, though, in the shadows, Tharok waited silently for Rex to investigate.

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2010-07-06 04:07 am UTC (link)
Rex brings out his maces, ready to deal with whoever is here. He steps through the broken glass of the door, senses on high alert.

"If you come out now, you get to walk away from tonight. If I gotta look for you, it's gonna get worse each minute." Rex says, his tone made of gravel.

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2010-07-06 04:10 am UTC (link)
It was perfect. Were the halflings mentally depleted? Had Earth's atmosphere made them stupid? As Rex steps through the broken glass door, Tharok swings his mighty Thanagarian war mace square at the center of Rex's back.

"I'll fly."

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2010-07-07 12:14 am UTC (link)
Rex hears the sound of footfalls only seconds before the attack comes, but that's all the warning he needs. His new mace, Hope's birthday present to him, stops the attack cold as he looks into the eyes of...a Thanagarian?

One of his mother's people. One of his his people, by half.

"Not many people who swing on me live to talk about it later." Warhawk says, pushing the man back.

"Museum's closed. Come back in the morning." he says, readying himself for the next attack.

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2010-07-07 12:23 am UTC (link)
So his mother taught him the rudiments of how to fight. Good. This would make things certainly more enjoyable. Tharok loved a good fight.

"I'm not particularly interested in your sad excuse for a museum, halfling." Tharok swung again, not even stepping back. "Where's your backup this night? The other halfling?"

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2010-07-07 12:28 am UTC (link)
This guy wanted to know where Nic was? Okay, gloves off.

"Don't know who you're talkin' about, pal." Warhawk says. He sidesteps the strike, moving inside Tharok's reach to deliver a powerful shot to the ribcage.

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2010-07-07 12:42 am UTC (link)
Tharok took the hit and grunted, but the grunt turned to a laugh as he stepped back. Lifting his own powerful mace he raised his mighty arms and brought the alien metal weapon directly into Warhawk's opposite side.

"You aren't a good bluff. The little one, the female. You'd never know she had even a drop of Earthling blood in her with the span of her wings."

Wingspan. One of the most attractive breeding features for a Thanagarian.

"I wonder how long until she comes looking for you, hmm? I've seen you fly together."

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2010-07-07 12:48 am UTC (link)
Rex was starting to get pissed. This guy wanted his sister to breed with?

The blow to his side staggers Rex for a moment. He's sure he felt something snap, but he's still standing and returning the strike.

"You go near her and I'll kill you." Warhawk snarls, feinting right, and striking at Tharok's left.

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2010-07-07 12:52 am UTC (link)
Tharok dodges the first blow, but takes the second, roaring with the briefest surge or pain before again sneering at Rex.

"You won't be able to kill me if I've already put you on the ground. I'll make sure you're awake to see me take her off though. So yo can tell your mother that Hro Talak's line has finally come for what is theirs."

Tharok swings again, a crushing blow to the exact same spot he struck previously. He wants the young man off balance.

"I hope she puts up such a fight when I take her. It will make everything else so much more enjoyable."

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2010-07-07 01:22 am UTC (link)
Tharok's words push Rex over the edge, and now he's swinging blindly, trying to smash the man's head in. He'll clean things up later, after he's beaten this guy into thirty kinds of pulp.

Warhawk roars in pain as the next blow hits him again, and he coughs, tasting blood in his mouth. Still, he fights on. This guy can't get past him. If he's been watching them, he may know where Rex lives, and that puts Nic and Aleea in danger.

"Your dad is the guy my mom and dad beat the snot out of years ago." Warhawk pants. It must be hard knowing your old man's a failure at life. Did you quit the family cleaning business and sell the house for a vengeance-trip to Earth?" Rex taunts.

"Or did they toss you off Thanagar for being a bigger loser than your old man?"

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2010-07-07 01:28 am UTC (link)
Rex's taunts are nothing that Tharok hasn't heard before and in a sick way, he delights in hearing them now as he has come to exact revenge and restore his family name. He swings again and again his mace makes contact. The halfling is fighting wildly. It will be his undoing.

"Do we really want to get into whose father is the bigger loser?" Tharok laughs. "I'm a general in the Thanagarian army. We are invading, puny halfling. And this time there are no traitorous whores to undermine us. Your sister will be quite a trophy for me. Maybe I will share her."

Another swing.

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2010-07-07 01:39 am UTC (link)
Each mace blow is painful; for each one he can parry, two more strike him. He crashes into a several glass cases, and is slower to get up each time he is knocked down.

The pain is intense, but Rex will not be easily beaten. The only people like Tharok that Rex has every fought are Carter, his mother, and Hope. It is telling that Rex has never beat any of the three in an straight fight.

And if his mother beat this man, Rex knows he's in deep shit.

"My sister...is not one's trophy. I'm gonna carve your wings off an show you what a trophy is..." Rex snarls, readying himself to attack again. He's got to stop Tharok here, now.

He hopes to whichever God or Goddess is listening that Nic doesn't decide to come down here.

Warhawk roars in pain and rage, then lunges to level a bone-cracking blow to the top of Tharok's head, raising his mace high and bringing it down with force enough to crush stone, or a skull.

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2010-07-07 01:48 am UTC (link)
The blows have taken their toll on Warhawk. It's obvious to Tharok as the young man spits blood and rises to strike out with what in an ordinary fight would be a killing blow.

Except Rex's balance is off. As is his aim. Pain will do that. As all the halfling's energy is devoted to the strike it is comically easy for the Thanagarian to strike. A sick, final mace strike makes contact with Rex's side. In an instant, multiple ribs snap audibly and as Rex falls to the ground, Tharok abandons his mace. Instead he begins to kick the fallen man in the gut and then the face, laughing.

"Oh she will be my trophy and I full intend on putting her on "display" this very night."

Both men will hear the tell-tail flapping of hawk wings and a sick, twisted, almost demonic smile crosses Tharok's face.

"Ah. She arrives. Don't worry, Warhawk. Perhaps she will find comfort in the idea that you put forth a small effort for her honor once I've torn her in two."

The invader delivers a punch to Rex's face and then steps back into the shadows to wait.

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2010-07-07 01:54 am UTC (link)
Rex Stewart is many things, but invincible isn't one of them. Tharok's blows send him crashing through another display case, and he falls to the floor, blackness closing around him.

"Unggh..." is the most warning he can manage to give his sister. He tries to tell her not to come, to fly away now and leave, but he can't even see straight, let alone speak straight.

How was he going to face his mother and Carter again if Tharok took Nicolette?

That was his last thought before the darkness took him completely.

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Meanwhile back at the ranch....
2010-07-07 01:32 am UTC (link)
Nic was pontificating to Aleea about the versatility of bacon--and demonstrating Baconaise--when the phone rang. Irked, Feathers answered the phone with a snarl only for her face to twist a bit.

"I'll check it out, thanks. Space Case...the museum's alarm has been going off for forty minutes and no one's responded." Her brows furrowed. "Rex always responds."

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Re: Meanwhile back at the ranch....
2010-07-07 01:38 am UTC (link)
Aleea was quickly becoming convinced that most of the universe's problems had been caused by a lack of bacon.

She frowned, when Nic reported on the state of the museum and Rex. "That's... not good," she said. "I'll come with you."

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Re: Meanwhile back at the ranch....
2010-07-07 01:40 am UTC (link)
"Get your jetpack. We're flying."

Nic ran and put on her armor and picked up an extra mace to boot. Just in case.

"It's about five minutes from here. Follow me."

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Re: Meanwhile back at the ranch....
2010-07-07 01:55 am UTC (link)
It didn't take Aleea long at all to change into her uniform and get her jetpack strapped on. Her laser pistol was charged and in her holster at her side and she had plenty of charges.

She snapped her helmet into place and followed after Nic.

"Lead the way."

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Re: Meanwhile back at the ranch....
2010-07-07 02:01 am UTC (link)
They made the trip in three minutes, Nicolette flying like she was possessed the whole way. Her wings were at full expanse and she was in obvious battle-mode when she touched down in front of the museum only to find the doors shattered and signs of a fight leading within.

"Oh fuck. Leea, stay here unless I call for you. I might need you to get out of here fast and call Mickey." The green girl from the barbecue. Aleea would know.

Tucking her wings down and readying her mace, Hawkgirl picked her way through the smashed entrance and followed the trail of blood and glass into the main gallery. Where she promptly spotted her brother battered and on the floor, wedged in what had been the weapons case.

"REX!" Nicolette screamed and dropped to her knees in front of her brother, mace forgotten.

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Re: Meanwhile back at the ranch....
2010-07-07 02:09 am UTC (link)
Aleea had waited outside, keeping an eye out for any further trouble, but keeping her focus on the spot where Nic had gone inside. Something about this bothered her, beyond whatever might have happened to Rex, but she couldn't put her finger on what.

Nic's scream, however, took precedence over all of that. Moving like lightning, Aleea unholstered her ray gun and gunned her rocketpack, blasting into the building like a shot from a gun.

Which was when she saw Rex.


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Re: Meanwhile back at the ranch....
2010-07-07 02:14 am UTC (link)
"He's hurt!" Nic was panicking. She'd seen her brother bleed before and seen him after losing to Mom but she'd never seen anything like this. She scooted aside to let Aleea in.

"We gotta get him out of here..." There were tears in her eyes. "C'mon Rex...don't die..." She pulled off her mask so she could better see his wounds and chucked her arm braces so she could try to pull glass from his body.

Then she heard a noise and stopped.

"Bastard's still here. You stay with Rex. I'm gonna go pulverize this asshole."

She didn't wait for an opinion or a response. She just got up and started following the noise.

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Re: Meanwhile back at the ranch....
2010-07-07 02:18 am UTC (link)
Rex was a big guy. Anything that could do this to him had to be tough.

Aleea's head swiveled in the direction of the noise, but she couldn't make anything out.

Instead, she just kept her gun out, crouching protectively over Rex's prone form.

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Re: Meanwhile back at the ranch....
2010-07-07 02:25 am UTC (link)
Rex lies still, and Aleea can see that his helmet is cracked and one side of his face and one eye are swelling. His breathing is labored, and there is blood trickling from his mouth.

Soon enough, however, he coughs, sputtering blood.

"N..Nic?" he groans, already trying to rise.

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Re: Meanwhile back at the ranch....
2010-07-07 02:30 am UTC (link)
"Stay still, Rex," Aleea said, quietly. "You're hurt. Bad."

"Nic's checking around."

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Re: Meanwhile back at the ranch....
2010-07-07 02:38 am UTC (link)
Despite his pain, Rex's good eye focuses on Aleea and grabs her arm.

"Leea...we gotta...gotta help her. It's...a trap. Tharok wants her. We gotta, stop him." Warhawk says, trying to push himself to his feet, and failing. He takes a deep, painful breath, and grips the side of the counter.

In one pull, Rex Stewart forces himself to his feet, his right arm hanging limp at his side. He's not standing straight, but he's standing. The rest will come.

"Which way... did she go?" he pants, already bone tired. He can fall down again once they've got Nicolette safe and sound at home.

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Re: Meanwhile back at the ranch....
2010-07-07 02:51 am UTC (link)
Aleea knows better than to argue, especially if Nic is in danger. "That way," she said, pointing.

"Here, lean on me, at least," she added. By Rannagar, she hoped she was doing the right thing here. If Rex was hurt... or if Nic was hurt, she wasn't sure she'd be able to forgive herself.

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Re: Meanwhile back at the ranch....
2010-07-07 03:00 am UTC (link)
Rex despises being beaten in a straight fight, but he has to face facts: Tharok utterly outclassed and outsmarted him. Now, Aleea and Nic had seen him like this. That stung his pride more than the actual ass-kicking he'd taken.

He leans on Aleea, and walks in the direction she pointed to Nic as having gone, stopping only to grab one of his maces, hanging the other on his belt. That's when he sees Nic's helmet, vambraces and mace on the floor.

"Don't tell me she went without weapons or..." Rex's sentence end in a string of Thanagarian and Rannian curse-words that had gotten him in trouble once when they were kids.

"If that girl gets hurt, Mom and Carter are going to kill me. And I'm gonna let them." he says, limping along to keep up with Aleea.

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Re: Meanwhile back at the ranch....
2010-07-07 03:09 am UTC (link)
Aleea recognized what most of those words meant, and probably would have blushed if the situation hadn't otherwise been so serious.

She never should have let Nic go on alone. Rookie move, rookie mistake, and always led to bad things in the Earth movies her father got her.

She picked up her pace a little bit more, moving as fast as she thought Rex could. "Not your fault, Rex..."

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Re: Meanwhile back at the ranch....
2010-07-07 03:21 am UTC (link)
"Yeah, it is. I should have stopped this guy." Rex grunts, forcing himself to keep up with Aleea.

"Thanks for comin' with her, 'Leea. If it was just us, I'd still be lying on that floor right now."

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Re: Meanwhile back at the ranch....
2010-07-07 03:32 am UTC (link)
"Not a problem," Aleea said. She gripped her raygun tightly. First sign of anything, she was shooting first and asking questions later, even if that was the direct opposite of how she'd been taught to handle things.

"I think I hear something..."

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Re: Meanwhile back at the ranch....
2010-07-07 03:39 am UTC (link)
What she heard was Nicolette scream.

He was amused; she'd come at him snarling and full of anger, launching herself at his chest without defense or weapon, all spit and anger as she punched and clawed at him. He'd let her have his fun before throwing her across the room, her small frame smashing through a display case.

"Fiesty. I do enjoy that and will enjoy beating it out of you." Tharok twisted his large hand through Nic's reddish hair and yanked, pulling the kicking and screaming girl along behind him as he moved swiftly to the exist.

</i>LET GO OF ME!</i>

He stopped, just outside the museum and yanked her up from the ground, again by her hair, again making her scream in pain.

"Shut up you pathetic creature. Now you are mine and you will learn to do as you are told or suffer consequences."

He slammed her against a tree, his hand on her throat. In a blink her body went slack and the Thanagarian invader grabbed her up and took to the skies, the darkness enveloping him.

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Re: Meanwhile back at the ranch....
2010-07-07 11:49 pm UTC (link)
Rex hears that scream, and now he's limping faster down the hall, wings twitching in panic. He has to get there before Tharok can hurt his sister. Why did she come here after him? If only she'd just stayed home.

"NICOLETTE!" Rex yells, pushing his way into the room, as Tharok carries off his sister.

"THAROK! BRING HER BACK HERE!" Warhawk rages, falling to his knees.

He's failed his sister. How will he live with himself after tonight?

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Re: Meanwhile back at the ranch....
2010-07-07 11:57 pm UTC (link)
Aleea wasn't far behind Rex, pistol read to shoot someone. She took aim at the retreating figure, but brought her weapon down. No way to shoot him without maybe causing him to drop Nic. And she didn't know if she was conscious or not.

And too far away to fly after.

She clenched her fist. "Rex," she said. "It's going to be okay. We're going to get her back. And then rip out his intestines."

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Re: Meanwhile back at the ranch....
2010-07-08 02:00 am UTC (link)
If the situation weren't so dire, Rex would favor Aleea with a smile. She'd pretty much just summed up what he was thinking.

"Tharok is dead man...but we're gonna need some back-up, and lucky for us, I've got some people in mind that wouldn't mind helping us kick some ass." he says.

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Re: Meanwhile back at the ranch....
2010-07-08 02:20 am UTC (link)
"Make the call," Aleea said. "...And then we need to patch you up."

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