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Mikaela "Mickey" Rayner ([info]greengenes) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
@ 2010-07-04 21:44:00

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Entry tags:inactive - mickey rayner, inactive - mikey dugan, inactive - wendi tyler, steven garrick, team - jsa, will freeman

Fireworks and birthday cake (open)
Mickey loved the Fourth of July for two reasons- first was for the giant barbeque that the JSA had every year at the Brownstone. The second was because it was also her birthday.

It was a joint party all day long, and at the end of the day, just before the fireworks were set off, everyone gathered around the picnic table and sang Happy Birthday to Mickey. She blew out the candles on the cake that her Grandma Molly had made for her, which had a flag on it and "Happy Birthday Mickey!" in red and blue frosting.

Mickey bit into a piece of cake as the fireworks began to go off. She was seventeen. Another year older, and another perfect birthday. It was nice to spend the day with family and friends.

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2010-07-05 12:11 am UTC (link)
He seems ok with that, and with all the company about, not insisting she clean that up. Ah well, flirting later. He gives her a friendly hug instead. "Not nearly as lovely as the birthday girl." Ok, so maybe a little flirting.

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2010-07-05 12:30 am UTC (link)
"You're really sweet, you know that?" She grinned, leaning into the hug.

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2010-07-05 12:44 am UTC (link)
"What can I say, runs in the family."

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2010-07-05 12:58 am UTC (link)
Mikey came over with a wrapped box containing his gift. A floating IPod stereo dock bot with a control system he could up on her phone or other electronic device.

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2010-07-05 01:34 am UTC (link)
Nic had left presents for Mickey in her room. And they were well-behaved. Most of them. And due to the presence of a grill and fire, she'd kept back a bit from most of the activities. Flaming wings was NOT something that was needed. But she bounded over to Mickey with her general exuberance and tried to patiently wait for Mr. Cutie Fast Pants to, well, get out of the way.

Though she suspected he'd probably be there for awhile. The winged one crammed a cupcake in her mouth as she waited and tried not to be jealous much.

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2010-07-05 01:37 am UTC (link)
She may actually be surprised. When he notices her bounding over, Steven moves aside. "I think someone else wants to say hi."

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2010-07-05 01:41 am UTC (link)
Nic about choked on her cupcake.

"Is cool. I'm chewin'. You're flirtin'. Priorities."

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2010-07-05 01:43 am UTC (link)
Mickey laughed. "Get over here, you."

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2010-07-05 01:46 am UTC (link)
"Well, in that case." Nic tucked her wings as flat as she could and scooted in...pausing to sniff Mr. Cutie Fast Pants. "Hey Mickey...he smells good...that could be useful." She grinned. Cupcake-coated grin. "Happy Birthday Greenstuff."

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2010-07-05 01:53 am UTC (link)
He can't help but laugh at the sniff. "Thanks, I think. You're not so bad yourself."

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2010-07-05 04:01 am UTC (link)
Wendi hoped Mickey would like her gift (a digital watch with quite a few extra features). Though they'd known each other a long time, she wasn't really sure how well she knew either Mickey or even Nic for that matter. They were such different people from her.

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2010-07-05 11:40 pm UTC (link)
Rex shows up with a gift (a digital camera) for Mickey and waves.

"Hey kid. Happy birthday." he says.

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2010-07-06 04:29 am UTC (link)
Will comes running in, his hair tousled and breathing heavy.

"Sorry...I'm...late," Will says between breaths.

In his hand is a wrapped present, a small box with a flash drive.

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2010-07-09 03:06 pm UTC (link)
Everyone got a hug, as Mickey opened up her assorted presents. "These all great," she said with a smile, "Thanks guys."

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2010-07-10 01:04 am UTC (link)
"I know its not much. But glad I could be here for your birthday."

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