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Katima Sers ([info]compassionate) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
@ 2010-07-04 16:54:00

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Entry tags:inactive - alerron ya, inactive - katima sers

Aftermath and Beginings.
Katima had opted not to return to Earth.  Something about the battle had made it clear to her that, while she loved the boys, that was not where she was meant to be.  She was linked to Alerron; something in her heart told her that and so she sent away her friends and she herself stayed behind.  The wounds she had sustained were painful, but not dire.  She would be fine and the bruises would heal.  Physical things were minor, compared to the feelings she was reading from people on New Tameran. 

She sought out Alerron.  She could tell he was suffering.  She could tell he was worrying about his sister.

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2010-07-07 12:55 am UTC (link)
"I wish I could have done more, like prevent what happened to her." Katima wrapped her arms around him and pressed close. "She is strong, though. She will recover from this. You will see. She's strong just as you are."

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2010-07-07 11:46 pm UTC (link)
"I hope so, Katima. I cannot bear the thought of my sister suffering for the rest of her life. I would gladly do so on her behalf if it meant she would feel no further pain. I would do that for you, as well.

Both of the women I love." Alerron says.

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2010-07-08 12:01 am UTC (link)
"I would not want you to suffer on my behalf, Alerron, and I believe your sister would say much the same. We will help her recover and we will find a place that we can start anew. Ungara is a peaceful place and very welcoming. My parents had friends there who would be very happy for us to visit. Or we could go to Mogo for a bit and relax there until determining what to do. We would be welcome."

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2010-07-08 12:42 pm UTC (link)
"Ungara sounds like a peaceful place. I think we should go there. I cannot go to Mogo; I would go insane waiting on developments on my parents. We will see your parents' friends and give you time to catch up. Perhaps a change of scenery will also do Mar'i much good." Alerron nods.

It would do him a great deal of good as well.

"We will need to secure passage, but Natand'r will aid us. He...is interested in bridging the gap between us." Alerron says.

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2010-07-16 12:58 am UTC (link)
"Do you trust him?" She looked up at him as she spoke. If Alerron believed, then she would, too. "I will send word to Ungara that we will be arriving soon. How...how shall I introduce you to my friends?"

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2010-07-29 12:37 am UTC (link)
-end scene-

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