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dc_holiday ([info]dc_holiday) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
@ 2010-07-04 04:12:00

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Entry tags:holiday

Celebrating The Birth of a Nation
"When, in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bonds which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the laws of nature and of nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness."

Across the great nation of the United States of America people everywhere celebrate the freedoms that they enjoy, the history, government, and traditions of the United States with fireworks, parades, barbecues, carnivals, fairs, picnics, concerts, baseball games, political speeches and ceremonies, and various other public and private events.

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2010-07-04 06:20 am UTC (link)
For once, Jay is up first thing in the morning. Same as every 4th of July, even now that he's in a new city, he visits the local cemeteries that house the bodies of soldiers and cleans off the headstones to make sure the names are legible.
Then he heads for the veterans hospital and volunteers for any job they'll give him. Helping with food, cleaning up, sitting and talking with vets for a while.

Around noon, 8 hours after he woke up, he heads back to the tower to pick up Ruth to take her out for hamburgers, fries and her favorite shake - same thing he's done for 4th of July lunch since he was tiny. Only the company has changed now.

While he was out, he scouted out the best places to watch the city's fireworks display, so he has some idea where to take Ruth tonight.

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2010-07-04 06:45 am UTC (link)
And Ruth is well aware, when they rendezvous, of what he's been up to, and quietly but firmly proud of him for it.

She's also called home to check on things and to make sure that at some point today, Team Morgenstern would be joined by Mrs. Sayers. For the best.

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2010-07-04 06:24 am UTC (link)
Cait loved surface holidays. They were so unlike Atlantean holidays and July 4th was one of her favorites. She loved to watch the fireworks and the food at the cookouts. She helped where she could and looked forward to spending the day with Ty and the other Titans.

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2010-07-04 06:24 am UTC (link)
A long time ago, an alien swore to fight for truth, justice and the American way. The people of a planet not his own welcomed him.

July 4th isn't a vacation day for Jonathan Kent, it hasn't been for years. Today he's not there to watch the fireworks, he's part of the show.

Even with his speed its a tight fit, but he does flybys in full costume at the big displays in several major cities. Star, L.A., Keystone, Central, Ivy, Metropolis, Washington D.C., New Orleans, Chicago... and somewhere in there, he hits as many little towns as he can. He'll stop somewhere along the way for bbq and a few autographs, but never anywhere for long.

Today at least this Kent does his best to thank the people here for welcoming them, giving them a home, and showing that that promise, made so long ago, still means something in his family.

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2010-07-04 06:30 am UTC (link)
Most of the time, July 4th was not a big deal at home. The roads were full of drunk drivers. He was never invited to parties, and probably would have skipped them anyway. He still doesn't drink, and doesn't need to eat - even if some of the things around smell pretty good. But for the most part, he and mom stayed home and watched the fireworks, and called it a night.

Not this year. He's made arrangements with the city council - out on the water, Titans Tower is going to be the site of one of the country's most spectacular fireworks displays once dark hits - streamers and whirls and explosions of yellow and violet from the rings on his fingers, waves of purple magic, illusions of all sorts - dragons cascading through the skies, weaving amidst the explosions, eagles in jet-fighter style formation and stunt flying over the city. Trick arrows from his quiver explode high in the sky.

And all around the tower, the water dances and shifts, odd wave formations and walls of water glittering and dancing with the light reflections from above making the sea every bit as impressive a show as the skies above.

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2010-07-04 06:55 am UTC (link)
Pippi helps out with food and drink as best she can around the tower, but its mostly a pretty quiet day.

Night is a different matter, spent staring wide-eyed into the sky, ooohhhing and ahhhing at every explosion.

One of the minor oddities for the 4th of July, as the next day's news will note, though she's certainly not aware of it...
Within a 20 block radius of Pippi, there's not a single fireworks or drunkenness-related injury. No car crashes, no kids losing fingers, no sparklers in the eye, no pets hurt by firecrackers, no fires going out of control, no drunken brawls.

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2010-07-04 04:19 pm UTC (link)
Dinah dearly loves her Titans teammates, but the grilling holidays? Those, the Kord family spends with the Reyes. Even if it means dealing with Milagro asking if she and Riley are dating yet.

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2010-07-04 04:26 pm UTC (link)
A day celebrating Freedom? You can damn well bet it's a big deal at the Free house.

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2010-07-04 04:29 pm UTC (link)
The Fourth of July is a big event for the JSA. Everybody and their families is always over at the Brownstone for a big cookout.

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2010-07-04 09:37 pm UTC (link)
Nic busies herself with a) not setting her wings on fire and b) avoiding people. She does drag Aleea along, though.

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2010-07-04 04:33 pm UTC (link)
Aleea is technically American by way of her father, but she's spent just about her entire life on Rann, and thinks of herself as Rannian. Still, if there's things going on, she'll take part.

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2010-07-04 04:35 pm UTC (link)
Fireworks? Basic chemistry, even for him. Fireworks, Joey could do easily.

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2010-07-04 05:49 pm UTC (link)
Jerry does what he has done for the 4th of July since he was little. He spends most of the day on the beach in town with his family. Then does a little bit of surfing with his friends before heading home for BBQ which grandpa always manages to set something on fire. Then that night he goes up the mountain with his friends for what is probably the best view of the fireworks in town.

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2010-07-04 09:36 pm UTC (link)
Fourth of July. People act stupid. Criminals are worse. It's gonna be a long damn night on patrol.

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