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whydowescream ([info]whydowescream) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
@ 2010-06-29 22:18:00

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Entry tags:inactive - eli coyne, mourning dove

Everything in order. (Open)
All of her scholarship and financial aid information were straight and ready. She'd checked. Four times. There were plenty of ways for a future UUA minister to pay for Berkeley if one just did the research and the legwork. She was sorting out the last of things at the tower, sitting in a balcony area.

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2010-06-30 01:56 am UTC (link)

Translation: Is the beer okay?

Important things must be taken care of first.

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2010-06-30 02:07 am UTC (link)
Beer is going to get rapidly scooped up and set right-side-up on the counter, thank you.

"Can you feel your arms and legs, or is that a really silly question at this point? I'm not sure how to tell possible back injuries from just being...um...desensitized."

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2010-06-30 02:13 am UTC (link)
Hey! It's not broken. Yay!

"M'm fine. You're upside down, but cute for an upside down girl. Hello upside down girl, what's your name?"

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2010-06-30 02:16 am UTC (link)
Ruth sighs. "Thank you. I'm glad you're okay." And she will dart around getting paper towels, et cetera as the costume fades. "I'm Ruth. Mourning Dove when the funny outfit's on. What's yours?"

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2010-06-30 02:20 am UTC (link)
"I'm Eli Coyne, nice to meet you Dove."

There's fluttering as he fights to right himself. A few more things get knocked over when he does.

"Want a drink?" Instead of being helpful, he goes over and inspects the beer.

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2010-06-30 02:22 am UTC (link)
Ruth fills a glass of ice water and presses it to his hand. "No, thank you, Eli. Beer's never been my style. But in a few hours, you'll wish you had a glass of water if you don't now. And you should have a sandwich. I'll make one."

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2010-06-30 02:25 am UTC (link)
He's not going to say no to a sandwich, but he does put the glass of water down to open a beer. He's already slightly tipsy.

"Why would I need water later?" This is strange! She is strange! No beer drinking girl.

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2010-06-30 02:29 am UTC (link)
"Because the sooner you have water, the less your head will hurt later. Unless you have some kind of special alien physiology or something. I don't know a lot about that."

Ruth frowns. "Isn't the place enough of a mess without opening another bottle?"

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2010-06-30 02:57 am UTC (link)
"I'll be fine. Hangovers are nothing." He lifts his bottle and grins at her.

"And no. It's never not the right time to drink."

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2010-06-30 03:02 am UTC (link)
"I see. Well, at least eat." She hands him the sandwich, then starts picking up the mess. "So, do the Titans always clean up after you, Eli, or are you lucking out finding the new girl?"

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2010-06-30 03:10 am UTC (link)
"They're trying to get rid of me, I think. The guys are. Iris likes me and she's the one who invited me but like green lantern kid doesn't like me at aaaalll..."

Sandwiches are yummy. He starts promptly munching.

"Girls seem to like me though. And Avalon... he's cute."

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2010-06-30 03:14 am UTC (link)
"Well, already intoxicated before suppertime probably isn't the most conducive to superheroing," she says cheerfully. "I don't know a lot of those people, though. But Iris is very nice."

"So. You have wings."

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2010-06-30 03:18 am UTC (link)
"I am not a super hero and you have eyes."

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2010-06-30 03:22 am UTC (link)
"Ahh. So you just drop by their house occasionally, make a small mess, and look cute around the girls." She smiles. "And you wonder why the boys take issue with you."

"I do. I hope you weren't planning on using your wings again for the next couple of hours, because that really seems dangerous."

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2010-06-30 03:26 am UTC (link)
"I check out the guys too. Check anyone out." Eli swallows the sandwich and licks his fingers.

"I've flown drunker and higher. But thank you for your concern."

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2010-06-30 03:31 am UTC (link)
"Ah. Well, then I should officially ask you not to hit on my boyfriend too much. I've gotten really frustrated with people doing that a lot lately."

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2010-06-30 03:33 am UTC (link)
Eli leans up against something leanable and leers at Ruth. "What about both of you? Can I hit on both of you at the same time?

"We could have a threesome. They say it's heavenly with angels."

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2010-06-30 03:39 am UTC (link)
"I'm afraid threesomes aren't my particular style, either. I think Jay is too far down the Kinsey scale, anyway, but you know how insecurities can get."

Ruth raised an eyebrow. "Do you get that joke a lot because of the wings or something?"

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2010-06-30 03:43 am UTC (link)
The wings spread out and he bows. "And because my father is Zauriel."

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2010-06-30 03:47 am UTC (link)
Ruth blinks at him.

And looks him over.

And blinks at him.

"I...would have said with a reasonable amount of certainty that humans and angels aren't cross-fertile. I mean, there's that bit in Genesis 6, but there's no reason to think that was meant to be taken literally..."

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2010-06-30 04:10 am UTC (link)
"This from the girl who has a magical costume and is living in a tower with superheroes."


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2010-06-30 04:20 am UTC (link)
"I'm new at this."

It could be worse. While that level of interaction with angels is unexpected and seems somehow...unorganized (it could definitely be said there's a reason she got more of the Order and Jay more of the Chaos), it's not like it's against her religion at all. Of course, precious few things are actually against Ruth's religion, but still, you know. Somebody could mention eternal damnation and then there'd really be no living with Ruth.

"Well, at any rate, no thank you."

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2010-06-30 04:32 pm UTC (link)
Hey! Even angels fall in love, as evidenced by Eli's existence. He wouldn't call it messy or anything. Personally, Eli is agnostic, so he won't be mentioning anything about religion. He'd be an atheist if he could but... yeah.

"Have you ever tried it before?"

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2010-06-30 04:54 pm UTC (link)
Ruth is very, very new at all of this. She's only barely getting acquainted with matters of half-aliens and such.

"No, but sex isn't like vegetables. One doesn't have to give everything a shot to know what one's inclined for. And nobody should try anything before they're certain they're ready."

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2010-06-30 05:12 pm UTC (link)
Blah, blah, blah.

"So, what are your powers, birdy?" He takes another gulp from his beer.

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2010-06-30 05:16 pm UTC (link)
"Mostly speed, healing, and being better at aikido than I should reasonably be. Not as fast as Iris, of course." She'll leave out the Stuff that started to happen when she lost her temper.

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2010-07-01 12:44 am UTC (link)
Seeing as how Eli tends to go a bit berserk when fighting...

"Healing's always useful. Always need a cleric."

Yes, Eli is a D&D nerd.

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2010-07-01 12:47 am UTC (link)
"I've only noticed a slight capacity so far, but I'm going to work on it." She grins at the reference. "Planning to cover that in multiple senses of the word."

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2010-07-01 12:52 am UTC (link)
"You a priest or something?"

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2010-07-01 12:58 am UTC (link)
"Wannabe Unitarian Universalist minister. My dad's chaplain at the army base in Keystone. I've got a long way to go."

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2010-07-02 08:23 pm UTC (link)
"Are they the ones who want to believe in world peace and one religion or accepting every religion?"

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2010-07-02 08:37 pm UTC (link)
Ruth blinks. "While world peace would be nice if possible, we are decidedly Not the Unification Church, no. The Unitarian and Universalist churches started as different offshoots of Christianity, but when they merged it became very much a case of 'we share certain basic principles; you fill in the spiritual details yourself."

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2010-07-02 10:50 pm UTC (link)
"I'm agnostic, personally."

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2010-07-02 11:01 pm UTC (link)
Ruth blinks again. "Oh." That was a bit odd, considering.

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2010-07-02 11:05 pm UTC (link)
"I'd be an atheist if I could."

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2010-07-02 11:08 pm UTC (link)
"I can see how that would be difficult for you to manage."

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2010-07-03 01:18 am UTC (link)
"It's completely unfair. Why do I even have to acknowledge the existence of a higher power!"

There's another swig of beer. He may ramble if allowed.

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2010-07-03 01:25 am UTC (link)
"May I ask with your essential problem with Him or Her is?"

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2010-07-07 03:17 pm UTC (link)
"I dunno. It's just not fair. I'm not allowed to choose to acknowledge God's existence because I know like the sky is blue God exists. I've lost this choice in my beliefs and choosing who I am."

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2010-07-08 06:28 pm UTC (link)
Ruth thinks for a moment. "I can see how that would be a problem," she eventually says, quietly.

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