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Aleea Strange ([info]rannsofaraway) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
@ 2010-06-29 00:19:00

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Entry tags:inactive - aleea strange, inactive - nicolette hall, inactive - warhawk

So You're Back, From Outer Space
A rocket-pack wearing figure dropped out of the sky, and hoped she was in the right place.  This was the last address Nic and Rex had left, so hopefully she wasn't about to intrude upon someone else.

According to her father, there were things going on near Rann that he didn't want her involved in.  Again.  Never mind she'd been learning at his side since she was a baby.  Never mind that it was her world too.  Never mind that without her, they'd never have been able to stop the unthawed beasts from Rann's prehistoric past.

Nope.  The Hero of Rann had spoken and so she was beamed to Earth.  Money, Earth ID, a place to stay if she wanted it (her father maintained an apartment on Earth for emergencies), everything she could want.  Except for her family.  Not that the space wasn't a complete bad thing.  At least no one here thought of her dad the same way the people of Rann did.  Being the daughter of a planet's greatest hero was not nearly as fun as it sounded.

She removed her helmet and knocked on the door.

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Re: About ten minutes into their conversation...
2010-06-30 12:39 am UTC (link)
"I'm good with whatever, really," Aleea insisted. "But thank-you. I appreciate it."

She shrugged. "Rann practically gets invaded or faces some killer threat every other month. This has got to be big, if he's this worried."

"Smells good, anyway," she said of the pizza.

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Re: About ten minutes into their conversation...
2010-06-30 01:41 am UTC (link)
"Well, then you should have some pizza, 'Leea." Rex says, using the name he used to call her when they were a little younger.

He rolls his eyes at Nic's suggestion, but admits to himself it might be a decent idea. Really, though, he should probably sleep on the couch. He'd be less liable to wake them both when he came in from patrols.

"Nic, you'll take my room, and I'll take the couch. There's reason for it, anyway." he says.

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Re: About ten minutes into their conversation...
2010-06-30 03:33 am UTC (link)
"Oh come on, Rex give me some credit here!"

Her first thought was that Rex was referring to that, the thing she'd talked to him about. She frowned a bit at the idea. What she didn't frown about, which would surprise Rex, was sliding Aleea a slice of pizza. With the bacon intact.

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Re: About ten minutes into their conversation...
2010-06-30 12:32 pm UTC (link)
"That's not what I mean and you know it, Nic. I mean, I don't want to wake you two by trying to stumble into a room after patrol. So I take the couch, you take my room." he says.

He watches her give away a piece of pizza with bacon on it and blinks. That's...new.

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Re: About ten minutes into their conversation...
2010-07-01 01:59 am UTC (link)
Aleea took an experimental bite of the pizza and smiled as the taste hit her tongue. "Mmmm! This is good!" she declared, her mouth still half full of food.

"Really," she said. "I don't want to put anybody out..."

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Re: About ten minutes into their conversation...
2010-07-01 02:05 am UTC (link)
"Bacon's awesome, isn't it? Bacon pancakes are even better. We're doing that in the morning, provided Rex will let me go to the store tonight when I go flying?"

She looked at Rex, hopeful.

"Rex usually does crash on the couch, Aleea. No one's put out. He'll just have to get used to girl stuff in the bathroom more now."

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Re: About ten minutes into their conversation...
2010-07-01 02:16 am UTC (link)
"Yes, you can get pancake mix. Bacon waffles are better, though." he smirks. This was an ongoing debate between he and Nic.

"Leea, you're welcome here as long as you want. Just...don't redecorate my bathroom. Pink is not allowed in this apartment except under special circumstance, and no Hello Kitty." Rex says, shuddering at the last condition.

He'd dated a girl who liked that crap and still had nightmares about waking up to an apartment full of it.

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Re: About ten minutes into their conversation...
2010-07-01 02:37 am UTC (link)
"This bacon is incredible," Aleea said. "We don't... we don't have anything like this on Rann."

"Thank-you," she said. "Both of you. And I promise, no pink. Or Hello Kitty. Whatever that is."

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Re: About ten minutes into their conversation...
2010-07-01 12:35 pm UTC (link)
"I have pink Hello Kitty underpants, you know."

And boy did she love tormenting Rex on laundry day.

"Yay! Space Case is staying. And eventually I get out of prison so maybe we can DO something."

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Re: About ten minutes into their conversation...
2010-07-02 12:24 am UTC (link)
"Please. Don't. Remind. Me." Rex says, trying not to think of such things.

"If you're a good little bird, I might let you off early, Feathers. Don't mess it up." Rex says.

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Re: About ten minutes into their conversation...
2010-07-02 01:28 am UTC (link)
"I've been a good little bird." She gave him her best innocent face. "So can I take Space Case flying?"

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Re: About ten minutes into their conversation...
2010-07-02 01:32 am UTC (link)
Aleea put on her best smile. "I promise not to keep her out past her curfew."

Much, anyway.

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Re: About ten minutes into their conversation...
2010-07-02 02:45 am UTC (link)
"Yep, I can see it now. You two are gonna be the end of me." Rex grins.

"Yeah, take her flying, be home by curfew, and no crimefighting, Nicolette. You still need more work before I can let you out on the streets." Rex says.

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