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Avalon Jordan ([info]bluelantern) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
@ 2010-06-20 21:18:00

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Entry tags:inactive - avalon, inactive - josh casey, plot - "dream a little dream"

Somewhere in Josh's dreams....
It has been some time since Avalon had visited Katima, although he isn't sure exactly how long. Its not like he has sunrises and sunsets to tell the passage of days any more in his tiny little box. Things have gone from fairly bad to worse - Malicor was certain to take out his rage on the Naltorian after Katima followed him back to where he was being kept and the results had not been pretty. Even though Avalon knew that his physical body was unhurt, his spiritual self was battered and bruised from the ordeal.

Malicors rage still isn't enough to stop him though. He knows that he must warn his friends of the Orange Lanterns impending plans, even if that means more pain on his part. He can't let Malicor win.

Avalon decides on trying to visit Josh now, though he's much more cautious with his Dreamwalking. He waits until after Malicor has left him immediately following another "session" of pain, and wills himself to his dreaming friend. He hopes that maybe his message can get out and be understood - he has no idea if he suceeded with Katima or not.

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2010-06-21 10:58 am UTC (link)
Josh nods. "Yeah. She told me and Henry first thing when she woke up," he says, leaving out the information about how he had to heal broken glass wounds.

Pulling Ava closer again, Josh takes a deep breath. "I want you home too...I miss you," he says. There's a long pause before Josh speaks up again. "Naltorians know how to get into the Dreamtime? They have some kind of machine or gateway?"

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2010-06-21 12:46 pm UTC (link)
"Naltor is not like Earth, where the people live in reality." replies Avalon as he lets himself be gathered close. In all honesty it feels good to lean against someone else, and he has no problems with huddling himself up against Josh under the taller boy's chin. "They live in reality but.. it's not real to them - it's like a waking dream. They can go into the Dreamtime and that is where they live their real lives in their sleep. The precognitive nature of their minds makes everything in reality predictable.. they all know what is going to happen and when so they do not fight it. The Dreamtime is where they live and love and fight and fuck and do everything that Humans do except.. for them that is the real reality. It's part of what made me such an outsider growing up.. I wasn't part of the precog pool so I didn't know what was going to happen when it did.. and then I couldn't escape into the Dreamtime to live my real life as they saw it."

He sighs then, thinking for a moment before he stiffens a bit and pulls back to look into Josh's eyes. "You have to get 'enry to use his ring. That might be the only way - I'm not certain. But a green power ring is capable of anything that it's wielder can imagine and that they have the will to make happen. Maybe he can open a gateway and let you through.. I.. don't know any other way. Going to Naltor is not an option, without my help it will take weeks of travel to get there through deep and dangerous space. Earth is on the outskirts of the sectors."

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2010-06-21 02:35 pm UTC (link)
Josh just frowns as he listens to the information on Naltor. The whole idea of the way that planet lives just seems absurd to him. He keeps quiet about it though.

Giving Ava a confused look when he meets his eyes. "Henry can get us there?" he asks, eyes widening. "What about Katima? Can she help? Either opening the door or getting us there?" the healer goes on, having been told a little about the Indigo's power.

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2010-06-21 05:36 pm UTC (link)
"Indigo rings do not work that way.. only green can. I also do not think that she can travel the way that I can.. only Blues are capable of the speeds that I can warp. Without my ring, you will all be consigned to normal travel speeds." Avalon tries to explain. "I'm sure she can help and go along but I do not think that she can open a portal. Even then it will be hard on 'enry, I'm sure. The Dreamtime is not a realm he is familiar and he may have trouble getting it right. Maybe I should visit him too? Although.." he sighs, "I don't know if he will remeber, but I can always try."

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2010-06-21 05:53 pm UTC (link)
Josh nods slightly, worried again. He pulls Ava close once more and closes his eyes. "I'll remember everything I can and tell him as soon as I wake up," he says.

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2010-06-21 07:41 pm UTC (link)
"I hope you remember.. sometimes you don't have a choice in the matter." replies Avalon gently though his voice holds no judgment, it's just a simple fact. Not really sure what else to say, the Naltorian just leans in towards Josh and tries to soak up as much of his friend's presence as he can. He knows that far too soon, he will have to go back to his dark cell..

"Hey.. while I'm here we should enjoy ourselves." Avalon says then with a smile. "Do you know this place? Want to explore it?"

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2010-06-21 09:29 pm UTC (link)
"It's the island you and Henry dropped me off on the day we all played hooky," Josh replies, holding onto Ava. "We can explore if you want."

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2010-06-22 12:44 am UTC (link)
"Oh neat!" replies Avalon with a big grin. It's actually quite nice for him to be getting a "break" from what is his reality at the moment. He lets Josh lead the way, wandering over the island with the taller boy as his guide.

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