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Avalon Jordan ([info]bluelantern) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
"Naltor is not like Earth, where the people live in reality." replies Avalon as he lets himself be gathered close. In all honesty it feels good to lean against someone else, and he has no problems with huddling himself up against Josh under the taller boy's chin. "They live in reality but.. it's not real to them - it's like a waking dream. They can go into the Dreamtime and that is where they live their real lives in their sleep. The precognitive nature of their minds makes everything in reality predictable.. they all know what is going to happen and when so they do not fight it. The Dreamtime is where they live and love and fight and fuck and do everything that Humans do except.. for them that is the real reality. It's part of what made me such an outsider growing up.. I wasn't part of the precog pool so I didn't know what was going to happen when it did.. and then I couldn't escape into the Dreamtime to live my real life as they saw it."

He sighs then, thinking for a moment before he stiffens a bit and pulls back to look into Josh's eyes. "You have to get 'enry to use his ring. That might be the only way - I'm not certain. But a green power ring is capable of anything that it's wielder can imagine and that they have the will to make happen. Maybe he can open a gateway and let you through.. I.. don't know any other way. Going to Naltor is not an option, without my help it will take weeks of travel to get there through deep and dangerous space. Earth is on the outskirts of the sectors."

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