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Avalon Jordan ([info]bluelantern) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
Not sure what to expect, Avalon let's himself be drawn into the dream quietly at first. He's always cautious when entering a dream - he doesn't have any control over them himself and they can be quite dangerous for him at times. Luckily that isn't the case with Josh's dream.

He finds himself on the beach near the water, and in some ways he is just happy to see something Earth-like. With a sigh he sits down in the sand, his fingers running nervously through his feathers as he tries to groom them into some sort of order. He doesn't have to wait long - Josh comes careening into view. For a moment, Avalon simply watches his best friend, though soon he finds his feet and moves towards him.

"Josh.. hey..." he says softly, trying to not alarm the other boy. Avalon looks a mess. He's been beaten up, though a lot of the bruises are yellowing and old. There are a few scabbed over wounds that look faintly purplish along his arms, though nothing too terribly bad.

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