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Avalon Jordan ([info]bluelantern) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
@ 2010-06-20 21:18:00

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Somewhere in Josh's dreams....
It has been some time since Avalon had visited Katima, although he isn't sure exactly how long. Its not like he has sunrises and sunsets to tell the passage of days any more in his tiny little box. Things have gone from fairly bad to worse - Malicor was certain to take out his rage on the Naltorian after Katima followed him back to where he was being kept and the results had not been pretty. Even though Avalon knew that his physical body was unhurt, his spiritual self was battered and bruised from the ordeal.

Malicors rage still isn't enough to stop him though. He knows that he must warn his friends of the Orange Lanterns impending plans, even if that means more pain on his part. He can't let Malicor win.

Avalon decides on trying to visit Josh now, though he's much more cautious with his Dreamwalking. He waits until after Malicor has left him immediately following another "session" of pain, and wills himself to his dreaming friend. He hopes that maybe his message can get out and be understood - he has no idea if he suceeded with Katima or not.

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