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wannabelantern ([info]wannabelantern) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
Scott leaned back in his chair and looked around. He couldn't go back, it'd been too soon since his last jump. But maybe a simple transmission to his dad wouldn't be too bad. Besides, he was pretty sure if things got bad, Scarab and Goldstar would vouche for him.

So Scott sent out a little message to his father.

"Hey dad. Having fun here. Don't let Mom worry too much, I'm fine. And I don't quite have a gift for you this year, but then again, with time being all relative and all, maybe not so important. I don't have long to talk. But I want you to know I'm fine and tell Mom I'm fine too. And I may not be as fast as Quick Rick, but I got my flight system to hit Mach 3.3 finally. I'm getting there. And next time I can port back, I'll see you in the old workshop."

A reply buzzes through Scooter's chronophones. A fuzzy, choppy sound, but still. A two minute talk with father and son. Scott was happy to have it, and so was Richard Theodore Knight, the future hero Quick Rick.

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