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RockChalk ([info]rockchalk) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
This is one of the few times since they came out west that Jay wishes he was back home. First year in as long as he can remember that he hasn't fulfilled his father's day tradition, one of the three times a year, father's day, veteran's day and Christmas, that he and his mother visited the grave of Sgt. Tom Sayers, sometimes with the Morgensterns, sometimes on their own.
Afterwards, his mother rarely remained sober unless Capt. Morgenstern was with her, and from about eleven until last year, he didn't either. He never knew the man, but his mother had never remarried, and Sgt. Sayers' absence definitely left a notable mark on his life.

Out of habit, and feeling the need to do something, Jay finds the nearest cemetary with a large military burial presence, wandering around to just pause at the graves of the people with a rank before their names, figuring someone should remember, sort of.

Then, until Ruth gets back from studies and calling home, he spends a good portion of the day meandering, very much pondering shoplifting a six pack or a bottle from somewhere, and resisting the temptation only barely, spending most of the night very quiet instead.

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