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healingbug ([info]healingbug) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
Josh has been thinking about this since Mother's day really. But he's kept it to himself. So once he was sure Henry would be busy with his father and Avalon and Katima were busy with other things, Josh snuck out. He left a note saying where he was going but he didn't really want anyone with him. Two quick trips through the League teleporters brings him to Central City . Then it's a bus right up to the area around Iron Heights. A quick change in an alley into uniform and he's off.

Now he's sitting in the visitor's area patiently. The whole prison has him feeling uncomfortable. He can sense people hurt and in pain but he's here for something specific. Sensing approaching guards and a life signal that makes his heart leap into his throat. He waits patiently until the very old looking man is sat down on the other side of the glass and then picks up the little phone. Once the guards are out of ear shot and the man on the other side of the glass has picked up his reciever, LifeForce speaks.

"Hello, Father."

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