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Iris West/Impulse ([info]catchmeifyoucan) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
@ 2010-06-08 01:55:00

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To the rescue
Their heads clearer than they had been before, Iris and her remaining Titans were teleported by Ty in front of Keystone's Golden Ridge Plaza.

"I don't think the Raiderettes have gone anywhere...seeing as we didn't exactly scare them off last time," she said. "But we're ready for them now. We just need to divide and conquer. Get them against each other, and we've got this fight in the bag." She turned to Ruth. "And we'll get back Jayhawk, too."

This required a battle cry to get them in the mood....

"Titans Together!"

Iris sped off in the direction of the mall, to where she heard the giggles of the Raiderettes.

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