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wannabelantern ([info]wannabelantern) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
@ 2010-06-07 22:18:00

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Current mood: bored
Entry tags:inactive - scott rayner-west, inactive - wendi tyler

An Interesting Customer Today
Scott was sitting at his work bench, incredibly BORED. No work today, nothing cool since last night.  The half-finished Beetle Baton sat there, taunting him, but he'd rather not mess with it til Dinah came over again.

"Arg! A supervillain, a mugging, a television to repair! My kingdom for a broken Swiss timepiece!" Scott yelled to the ceiling and moaned. He couldn't do Facebook, since Scooter was already addicted to FarmVille, and there was nothing good on TV at 2 in the afternoon. So he sat and waited and tinkered with a small silver box like device with a lightning bolt design of copper wires on it.

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2010-06-21 09:55 pm UTC (link)
"Cool," Wendi replied. "But it's just you? I mean, no offense, but you're my age."

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2010-06-22 03:43 am UTC (link)
"My mom and dad were never really around to begin with. They had very demanding jobs. My dad is a forensic scientist, so every time there was a crime he'd run off, and my mom was a cop, so the same deal with her. It's how they met. And my older brothers were almost done with high school by the time I started Kindergarten. My big sister was off to... college by the time I was 12. I was used to being alone that when I hit 17, I just sort of left. I had finished secondary school early, so I was done by the time I was 15. I had already been doing college. I left, and I've talked to my dad since, but... I know exactly what Mom would say. 'Scott Bartholomew West, you come back home this INSTANT!' And my dad would argue I'm only half a year off of being an adult anyway, and I already finished most of my schooling. And Frank and Damon would point out I'm already taller than Dad and Sora would side with Mom because that's what she does, and say my school didn't count. Sure, it was technically a trade school, but I challenge you to find a better man at repairs."

Idiot. Rambling. Again. Shut up!

"So what about you? What's your family like?"

Nice save. Idiot.
Don't be so hard on yourself, sir.
Great. As if the real Scooter wasn't bad enough, I've internalized him! He's become part of my internal monologue! Must never let Goldstar know. Unless he's internalized Skeets...

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2010-06-22 03:54 am UTC (link)
Wendi's jaw dropped from both information overload and just everything involved in the story.

"Pretty impressive," she said.

"Me? My parents are pretty normal, I guess. My grandpa's the owner/founder of Tyler Pharma-Chemicals, and Dad works for the company too. My other Grandpa started Quickstart industries and Mom runs that. And in-between all of that they've managed to have me and my numerous brothers and sisters. They... kinda go at it like rabbits, really."

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2010-06-22 04:29 am UTC (link)
Scott doubles over laughing at that last bit. "Oh god... that's funny. Still, that is very impressive. I have been following Tyler Pharma-Chemicals in the news. Very impressive the things that they've managed to make." Scott takes a long swig of a soda that somehow appeared on the table. He then looks at the soda in shock.

Scott looks around. "Jimmy Barone, son of Mr. Manfred Barone. The soda ninja. Not only does he know what to bring, but you never see him do it to you. In the last two months, he has managed to bring me the right drink without me ordering or noticing thirteen times. Once, not even at this restaurant. He's that good."

Scott looks nervously and then in amazement. "You don't even carry this flavor of Mountain Dew in this restaurant! How do you do it, Soda Ninja? How?" Scott then hears Mr. Barone call for him at the counter, and Scott comes back with a pizza piled high with pepperoni, ham, bacon, sausage, ground beef, Canadian bacon, chicken, salami, garlic cloves, and Italian sausage. He places it on the table, next to the shakers of Parmesan and red pepper flakes, and takes a seat again. He pulls the paper plates out from under the tray and hands one to Wendi.

"This meaty enough for you?"

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2010-06-22 04:30 pm UTC (link)
Wendi smiled at the pile of meat upon the pizza. "...I died in the attack and ended up in Heaven, right? 'cause that's what this is right here."

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2010-06-22 04:42 pm UTC (link)
My thoughts exactly. Scott thought, taking a gooey, meaty, cheesy, garlicky slice of the pizza and placing it on his plate.

"Prepare thyself, Wendi. This has to be the most radical pizza you will ever eat. Though I will admit, the White Chicken Pizza here isn't too bad either."

Scott sits and watches. "You first. I have to see your reaction."

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2010-06-22 04:52 pm UTC (link)
Wendi took a bite of the pizza, chewed, and swallowed.


She wiped some sauce off the corner of her mouth with her napkin. "This is... the best pizza... ever!"

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2010-06-22 05:03 pm UTC (link)
Scott grins and grabs the garlic sauce bottle for his.

The garlic sauce that wasn't there a second ago.

"The Soda Ninja has advanced to condiments! I swear, the guy must be related to the Flash or something."

Then again, I know that can easily mean nothing...

Scott places a bit of garlic sauce on his plate and dips the tip of his pizza into it and eats it. "What the... How did he make it BETTER since last time? Man I love this place!"

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2010-06-22 05:14 pm UTC (link)
Wendi laughed at that.

"I just might have to come out here more often, if the food's this good."

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2010-06-22 05:30 pm UTC (link)
"I'd like that." Scott says. Another bite of his pizza and he wipes his mouth from the explosion of sauce. "Well. That didn't go as smoothly as I planned... Tasty though."

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2010-06-22 05:40 pm UTC (link)
"Very," she agreed. "Didn't realize you could get pizza this good this far out. Usually stick more to the Manhattan area."

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2010-06-22 05:43 pm UTC (link)
"I normally buzz around everywhere. But I know the folks on this street well. And as great as the pizza is elsewhere, I have brand loyalty to Mr. Barone now." Scott laughs.

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