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wannabelantern ([info]wannabelantern) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
@ 2010-06-07 22:18:00

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Current mood: bored
Entry tags:inactive - scott rayner-west, inactive - wendi tyler

An Interesting Customer Today
Scott was sitting at his work bench, incredibly BORED. No work today, nothing cool since last night.  The half-finished Beetle Baton sat there, taunting him, but he'd rather not mess with it til Dinah came over again.

"Arg! A supervillain, a mugging, a television to repair! My kingdom for a broken Swiss timepiece!" Scott yelled to the ceiling and moaned. He couldn't do Facebook, since Scooter was already addicted to FarmVille, and there was nothing good on TV at 2 in the afternoon. So he sat and waited and tinkered with a small silver box like device with a lightning bolt design of copper wires on it.

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2010-06-14 10:58 pm UTC (link)
Hourgirl had gotten to the roof in one super-powered leap.

She smiled and nodded. "Yeah, well, it's an either or kinda thing. But don't go spreading that around."

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2010-06-15 05:41 pm UTC (link)
"No problem. Say, how about we enter my lair. It's a little hot today, and I like air conditioning myself. This roof has an entrance to it anyway." Gold Sentinel put on his ever cheesy grin.

"Besides, you just concussed a villainess and I put her lackey on ice. I say we deserve a smoothie or coffee or something to celebrate. And Scooter here is my own personal barista."

"I try, sir." Scott motions to the chimney with his head, to point out where the entrance is.

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2010-06-16 12:00 am UTC (link)
"Wait, your secret headquarters is a watch shop?" Wendi asked.

"That's... kinda neat, actually."

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2010-06-16 12:28 am UTC (link)
"Eh, I figured I've had both Green Lanterns, Goldstar and Scarab all over before. Why not you too?" The chimney slides over, revealing the slide.

"Ladies first?"

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2010-06-16 12:31 am UTC (link)
"Quite the social circle you're building," Wendi said, but nodded, as she headed through the door.

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2010-06-16 12:35 am UTC (link)
The slide down is still exciting. IQ had some great ideas.

"WHEEE!" Scooter yells, a heuristic device put in by Scott allowing for him to enjoy slides when they went to the park when Scott was a kid.

At the bottom, Scott meets with Wendi. "How was it?"

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2010-06-16 12:39 am UTC (link)
Interesting way to get into an HQ, she had to admit.

Wendi smiled. "Fun, actually. Don't think I've gone down a slide in years."

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2010-06-16 12:51 am UTC (link)
Scott pulls off his visor and pops his neck. Scooter picks up the visor in midair and goes to the small kitchen area. "Hm... Scooter, can we get some smoothies? And set up the red nanites to my current repair projects, I don't think I'll be doing any handiwork after that fight. Those vines hurt more than you'd think."

"What flavors sir?" Scooter asks, now wearing a little paper hat. Scott thinks.

"Pineapple pomegranate for me, and... what will you be having, HG?"

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2010-06-16 01:49 am UTC (link)
Hey, without the visor, he kinda looked like... well. Not exactly a surprise, given the HQ location.

"Cherry's fine, thanks."

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2010-06-16 03:49 am UTC (link)
"One Cherry Special, coming up, Miss Hourgirl!" Scooter hovers along in the little kitchen happily humming a tune on his rotors.

"I never should have let him watch Wall-E... So, what brings you to my little neck of the woods?" Scott asks, sitting on one of the benches. He offers for Hourgirl to take a seat too.

"Though I suppose this is a lot closer to the Brownstone than Kansas was."

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2010-06-16 11:41 pm UTC (link)
"Oh, I was just in the area, really," she said, perhaps a bit quickly. Secret ID protection and all that, even if she was pretty sure she could trust this guy. Not that her parents or grandparents really had one anymore. But it was the principal of the thing.

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2010-06-18 12:53 am UTC (link)
"Okay, okay. I understand. My big brother's the Flash when I come from, and mom and dad are just about as fast. I know how speedsters are, running around and such."

Geez, she's getting defensive. I guess she's not as easy with the Secret ID thing around other supers as I am.

Scott tried to change the subject a bit. "Hey, I noticed I haven't seen you around the Brownstone. I normally swing by to hang with Green Lantern and Onyx, and I kinda hoped to see you again around there."

Scooter came by with the smoothies and dropped them off for the both of them. Scooter then hovered off to do some maintainence checks on himself.

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2010-06-18 12:56 am UTC (link)
"I'm there off and on," Wendi replied. "But I don't live there like some of the team."

"Sorry I missed you," she added.

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2010-06-18 01:04 am UTC (link)
"It's fine. If you ever want to do anything, that business card I gave you should be updated to the lab now. The line is a direct line to Scooter. Biometrics should make it so it only reads for you. Well, and me, but I know well where I live."

Scott was rambling. He only rambles when he's nervous. Damnit, stop being nervous! Scott thought to himself. He takes a long drin of his smoothie, hoping to calm down.

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2010-06-18 01:38 am UTC (link)
"Cool," Wendi said, taking a sip of her smoothie. "Pretty impressive tech."

"Watch shop, though? Pretty cool. My grandpa's actually got a pretty big clock collection."

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2010-06-18 01:50 am UTC (link)
Scott laughs. "Well, I know machines, backwards and forwards. Televisions, clocks, chronoporters, museum drones, freeze rays, freezers, refridgerators, chlorophylic accelerators, anti-gravity hovers, video game consoles. If it's broken, I'll fix it. Plus, I got my nanites to hand jobs I can't do by hand." Scott smiles.

"I'd like to see all the clocks one day. I know my place has a nice little collection. GOt started by Clock King. Apparently he had this place first, then Proffessor IQ, then yours truly. Seems everything I have is a hand me down from a villain."

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2010-06-18 01:57 am UTC (link)
"Not too much of a tech head," Wendi admitted. "More into fitness stuff that anything. But still cool."

"Wow," she replied. "But then again, villains do have the best stuff sometimes."

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2010-06-18 01:58 am UTC (link)
Scott grins. "That's why my whole suit is made out of villains stuff, upgraded by me and Scooter."

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2010-06-18 02:01 am UTC (link)
"Saw the freeze thing you did. Who'd you get that from? The Icicle? Mr. Freeze? Captain Cold?"

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2010-06-18 02:08 am UTC (link)
"Captain Cold. Spinny beam is from a future Top, glider beam froma future Golden Glider, strength enhancer from a few different guys. Lasers from Booster Gold's JLI suit. Had to go classic somewhere. And my new baby, the Valorium Mesh flight suit. Among other things. Yes, who can hit Mach 3 for flights now? Still not Flash or Quick fast, but pretty nice I think. Oh, and I got my Baby Box back for emergencies. Or visiting the Lanterns."

Idiot, I said stop rambling!

"So, anything particularly fun going on for you?"

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2010-06-18 02:31 am UTC (link)
"You're a regular Swiss Army Knife," Wendi observed. "Pretty cool, actually.

She shook her head. "Nothing much. Out of school for the summer, but no big plans or anything."

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2010-06-18 02:47 am UTC (link)
Scott grins. "Well... if you'd like to make some big plans, I'd be more than happy to help."

There! Charm, back online! Hopefully! Oh man... nerves are back.

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2010-06-18 02:56 am UTC (link)
She smiled a little nervously at that. "Yeah, well, maybe," she agreed. "Kinda seems like every summer there's some world ending catastrophe."

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2010-06-18 02:59 am UTC (link)
"I'm from 500 years in the future. I can tell you first hand, it won't end the world."

Well, hopefully. Chronal variance and temporal distortion COULD allow me to be feeling the reverse BA effect. Well, the time travel one, not the war one. Ah! Mental rambling now? Really! Scott Bartholomew "Highball" Knight Rayner-West, you stop that right now!

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2010-06-18 03:06 am UTC (link)
"The future, or a future?" Wendi asked. "Cause I've never been clear on that kind of thing."

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(no subject) - [info]wannabelantern, 2010-06-18 03:16 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]3x2_9yz_4a, 2010-06-18 04:44 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]wannabelantern, 2010-06-19 03:12 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]3x2_9yz_4a, 2010-06-19 03:38 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]wannabelantern, 2010-06-19 10:10 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]3x2_9yz_4a, 2010-06-19 10:27 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]wannabelantern, 2010-06-20 12:50 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]3x2_9yz_4a, 2010-06-20 01:15 am UTC

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