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wannabelantern ([info]wannabelantern) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
@ 2010-06-07 22:18:00

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Current mood: bored
Entry tags:inactive - scott rayner-west, inactive - wendi tyler

An Interesting Customer Today
Scott was sitting at his work bench, incredibly BORED. No work today, nothing cool since last night.  The half-finished Beetle Baton sat there, taunting him, but he'd rather not mess with it til Dinah came over again.

"Arg! A supervillain, a mugging, a television to repair! My kingdom for a broken Swiss timepiece!" Scott yelled to the ceiling and moaned. He couldn't do Facebook, since Scooter was already addicted to FarmVille, and there was nothing good on TV at 2 in the afternoon. So he sat and waited and tinkered with a small silver box like device with a lightning bolt design of copper wires on it.

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2010-06-08 04:34 pm UTC (link)
Stupid watch, always breaking down.

Ah well, she'd heard this place was supposed to be good. Maybe she could go a while without breaking this one. She had a pretty much indestructible timepiece she used in her costume, but her everyday one seemed to go to crap all the time.

She pushed open the door and went inside.

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2010-06-08 04:53 pm UTC (link)
Scott sees the door open and puts the box in a drawer. "Ah, hello miss!" He stands up from behind his workbench. "Welcome to Western Time Watch Repairs. I'm Scott West. What brings you through my doors?"

Scott hits a small button on the Remote to tell Scooter "Customer is here, don't come up." Scooter sighs and goes to put the ice cream cone back in the freezer.

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2010-06-08 05:07 pm UTC (link)
Huh. Weird. She could swear she'd met the guy somewhere before. Must be deja vu or something.

She reached into her pocket and pulled out the broken time piece. "Yeah, my watch here keeps breaking down," she said. "Gotten it repaired at least three times now, but it keeps stopping on me."

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2010-06-08 05:19 pm UTC (link)
"Let me see here..." Scott pulls the watch from her hand and looks it over. "Yes... yes... Should be a quick fix. I could do it while you wait. Would you like some water, maybe I should turn on the television?"

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2010-06-08 05:29 pm UTC (link)
"I'm fine, thanks," Wendi replied. "What's been going wrong with it?"

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2010-06-08 05:39 pm UTC (link)
"From the looks of it, your spring here? It cracked in half, and the last few people have only been realigning it, not fixing it. Odd. I'll get you a new spring and you can be on your way." Scott sits down ans slides over to a set of drawers. He pulls out a sprng and some small forceps like tweezers.

"Quick fix, shouldn't take five minutes."

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2010-06-08 05:48 pm UTC (link)
"Awesome," she replied. "Thanks."

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