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Lian Harper/Jade Arrow ([info]rightontarget) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
@ 2010-06-02 09:27:00

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Entry tags:inactive - calypso, inactive - j'anna j'onnz, inactive - lian harper, npc - tim drake, plot - "enter the outsiders"

Star City by night
Jade Arrow made her way over Star City's rooftops, Calypso and J'anna at her side. She'd been helping Cal settle into Star City and hero life, and had brought J'anna along on patrol with her that evening so Calypso could meet another superhero their age.

Also, she needed backup with her this evening.

Someone had broken into Queen Industries the other night and stolen some important tech. And from what Lian had gathered when she investigated earlier she was able to figure out a couple of clues- one, it was a group that had broken in last night. And two, they hadn't gotten everything that they wanted. From what the security guards had told her as well, they had never seen any villains like these in Star City ever before last night.

Lian took a moment to pause over on the rooftop.

"Okay," she said, turning to Calypso and J'anna, "Let's go over what we know again."

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2010-06-12 06:08 am UTC (link)
"You say that like it's not useful when I do that." J'anna shook her head and followed along, wondering just why Lian couldn't see the value of classic detective shows.

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