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Lian Harper/Jade Arrow ([info]rightontarget) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
@ 2010-06-02 09:27:00

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Entry tags:inactive - calypso, inactive - j'anna j'onnz, inactive - lian harper, npc - tim drake, plot - "enter the outsiders"

Star City by night
Jade Arrow made her way over Star City's rooftops, Calypso and J'anna at her side. She'd been helping Cal settle into Star City and hero life, and had brought J'anna along on patrol with her that evening so Calypso could meet another superhero their age.

Also, she needed backup with her this evening.

Someone had broken into Queen Industries the other night and stolen some important tech. And from what Lian had gathered when she investigated earlier she was able to figure out a couple of clues- one, it was a group that had broken in last night. And two, they hadn't gotten everything that they wanted. From what the security guards had told her as well, they had never seen any villains like these in Star City ever before last night.

Lian took a moment to pause over on the rooftop.

"Okay," she said, turning to Calypso and J'anna, "Let's go over what we know again."

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2010-06-02 07:01 pm UTC (link)
"Well, they didn't get what they came for. Not entirely." J'anna offered as she quietly scanned the area looking for any other life signatures that might be worth checking out. "This means that they will likely come back or send someone else in. They would theoretically have more security intel now, having been semi-successful once."

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2010-06-02 11:50 pm UTC (link)
"They will not leave this unsettled," Calypso added. She was not a detective, and she didn't do the whole investigation thing well. She knew more how to point out the obvious.

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2010-06-03 12:14 am UTC (link)
"Especially not when they've had success in four other locations around the country." the gruff voice says from the shadows. Red Robin steps into view, eyes taking each of the three women in.

"Whatever it is they want here, they'll be back to get it, and soon. The items stolen thus far don't seem to have any connection to each other, but I've been working on that end. Does anyone know what was stolen two nights ago?" he asks.

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2010-06-03 09:29 pm UTC (link)
Jade Arrow snapped her head around when she noticed the newcomer. Funny, all those years of training and she didn't pick up on someone else there.

"Tech from the research and development department," she said, "The guards caught them from getting the rest of it, but I believe what they stole was being developed for military use. Can't really say why they wanted it, either."

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2010-06-04 12:00 am UTC (link)
"Ah. I thought I felt something." She noted Red Robin and nodded her head.

"Military use could mean weapons. Perhaps they are trying to cross develop a doom device."

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2010-06-05 12:31 pm UTC (link)
"Well, whoever's doing it is hiring a lot of B and C-listers to do the work for them. If they'd wanted this done and done right, they might have hired Deadshot or Deathstroke." he says.

"I want to find whoever is behind this and shut them down. For now, that might require us pooling our resources." Red Robin says.

"Anyone opposed to that idea?" he asks.

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2010-06-07 12:29 pm UTC (link)
"I do not have the same resources as you might have, but I will help."

Terra's association to her father was non-existent, and her people didn't associate with the surface dwellers.

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2010-06-08 12:10 am UTC (link)
"Sometimes it's not about external resources but about the ones you carry inside yourself, Calypso. I think it's a good idea, Robin. More minds on this the better."

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2010-06-08 12:53 am UTC (link)
"Works for me," Jade Arrow said, "The more we have on this, the better. We know that they're going to go back to Queen Industries. If we stakeout there, we're bound to run into them eventually." She looked over at the rest of the group. "That work?"

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2010-06-08 03:05 am UTC (link)
Red Robin gives a quick, sharp nod.

"I'm certain we can shut these people down once we find them." he says. "I'll be at Queen Industries."

He turns to leave.

"And miss...I'm Red Robin. The other Robin is my partner." he says, stepping into the shadows and leaving the three of them together again.

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2010-06-08 10:01 am UTC (link)
She nodded at J'anna and then looked at Lian and watched Red Robin leave. "I can provide us with a useful hiding spot during the stakeout."

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2010-06-09 11:08 pm UTC (link)
J'anna smiled as Red Robin left. I forget sometimes that some are quite particular about truncations of their names. My apologies to you and to your partner for the misidentification.

She nodded at Calypso.

"I think we should supplement your hiding location with all clothing. Not our usual dress," she smiled at Lian, "but useful in a stakeout."

Yes. J'anna'd been watching spy shows. Again.

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2010-06-10 03:15 pm UTC (link)
Lian smirked. "You fell asleep watching Get Smart again, didn't you?"

"C'mon," she said, turning to the two girls. "Let's go."

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2010-06-12 06:08 am UTC (link)
"You say that like it's not useful when I do that." J'anna shook her head and followed along, wondering just why Lian couldn't see the value of classic detective shows.

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