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Robert Queen/Merlyn ([info]hunters_moon) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
@ 2010-05-31 22:02:00

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Entry tags:inactive - morgaine king, inactive - robert queen

Keystone City Blues
Merlyn stalks the streets of Keystone City tonight, having followed the exploits of an alleged corrupt judge. Judge Peter Carroll recently sentenced a eighteen year old boy to two to five years in prison for involuntary manslaughter for the accidental death of his stepmother, Claudine Zacara-Corbin. Judge Carroll's sentences are questionable, but rarely overturned, and this one strikes a chord with Robert Queen.

The young man in question, Michael Corbin III, is the son of reputed mob boss Michael Corbin II, who was married to Claudine. While Robert agrees that murder is a serious crime, five years in prison among convicted felons and hardened killers is unfair to a boy who only wanted to protect his mother. Robert hates mobsters off all types, but a young man shouldn't have to suffer for his father's evils.

Robert Queen knows a little something about that as well.

Tonight, he watches as Peter Carroll meets with a man in a black limo in the Power & Light District. Both men get out of their vehicles, and Peter Carroll is seen shaking hands with John Zachara, the brother of the deceased mob princess as well as brother-in-law and mob rival of Mike Corbin. A bulging envelope is passed to the judge and the two men shake hands as Zacara's bodyguards look around.

Robert knows everything he needs to know. Both of these men are corrupt and have destroyed a young man's life to further their aims.

He knocks two arrows and aims at the judge, ready to start the task of bringing justice.

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2010-06-01 03:27 am UTC (link)
A throwing knife landed squarely in between the judge's eyes.

Morgaine King hid the shadows. It wasn't easy but she'd tracked him down. She didn't reveal herself...yet. Let him wonder as to who was hiding in the shadows.

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2010-06-01 03:36 am UTC (link)
Robert is watching and about to loose his arrow when the judge falls from the knife between his eyes. Robert blinks in amazement.

He hadn't done that.

On the ground, Zacara's bodyguards draw their weapons and form a perimeter around their boss, who is hustled back into the limo. Of course, someone manages to see him standing on the roof and puts two and two together to get forty-seven.

"There he is! Waste him!" one of ten men yells.

Robert throws himself to the floor of the rooftop to avoid the incoming gunfire. Apparently, someone else wanted the judge dead as well. This could just be an unlucky coincidence.

Yeah, right.

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2010-06-01 03:50 am UTC (link)
Morgaine knocked her father's bow. Arrows were shot at the bodyguards, all aimed to kill. They looked around frantically for the shooter, as Morgaine switched her positions. A couple more arrows were fired. She then pulled out two more knives, throwing one through the window and landing through the driver's neck. The second arrow was thrown through the back window, and it landed squarely on Zacara's left temple.

Morgaine grinned. For someone who had killed her father, he sure wasn't very skilled.

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2010-06-01 03:56 am UTC (link)
The gunshots came fewer and then not at all, but Robert knew they weren't done. He quickly went over what he knew in his mind.

Carroll was dead. Zacara is also very likely dead. This could very well be two people stumbling around in the dark killing bad people.

However, they'd already seen Robert. If any of them left this place alive, he'd be the person they described to the cops.

Robert quickly made his way off the roof and down to street level. He was going to need to figure out who this person was and deal with them and the gunmen before this got out of hand.

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2010-06-01 05:36 pm UTC (link)
Morgaine fired a couple more arrows, aimed to kill the other gunmen. Once she was sure that they'd been taken care of, she knocked another arrow, and shot it directly at Robert. Not a killing shot, but it was graze past his arm and more than likely take some skin with it nonetheless.

That was a warning shot. A sign of what was to come once she chose to reveal herself to him.

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2010-06-02 12:10 am UTC (link)
Robert barely dodges the arrow, but he immediately draws and looses one in the direction of his attacker. That pretty much seals the idea of talking this out. For a moment, he missed Jane.

"You've just killed these men." he says, taking position at the side of a building to keep himself out of the direct line of fine.

"How about we talk about this like civilized people? No need for anyone else to die here tonight over a misunderstanding." he says.

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2010-06-03 09:33 pm UTC (link)
Morgaine leaped down from her position, landing in front of Robert, sword drawn. "There is no need for talk," she said, "But there is need for someone to die-you." She charged him.

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2010-06-03 10:42 pm UTC (link)
"None of my would-be killers have ever been this...comely. Is there a name to go with all that rage?" he asks.

When she charges with her sword drawn, Robert figures that they've gone into Aggressive Negotiations.

"I'll start with my name first. I'm Jacob King." he says, dodging her first attack.

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2010-06-04 12:39 am UTC (link)
She turned around, snarling at him. "You're a liar, Robert Queen."

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2010-06-04 01:23 am UTC (link)
"All right, I see we've gotten off on the wrong foot, miss. Do you mind holding off on killing me while we figure out who you think I am? And maybe who you are while we're at it?" he asks, dodging her next few attacks.

He's still not offering any resistance, which is odd for him. If she were a man, he'd probably have killed her and walked away from the still-cooling corpse.

But she seems pretty convinced that he's her enemy, which means there must be money involved.

"Who hired you?" he asks.

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2010-06-05 01:10 am UTC (link)
She sheathed her sword, and drew her bow, which would look very familiar to Robert.

"Arthur King sends his regards."

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2010-06-05 01:18 am UTC (link)
Well, shit.

Robert draws a throwing knife and tosses it at the woman, hoping throw off her aim. He recognizes the bow, of course, and wonders if this is an vengeful lover...

...or a vengeful family member?

He ducks around a corner.

"Merlyn tried to kill me, and I defended myself. You really want to kill me over that, lady?" he yells.

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2010-06-08 01:11 am UTC (link)
Morgaine dodged the throwing knife narrowly, an arrow flying loose and hitting an object in the distance.

"Yes," she said, getting her balance back, "I really do."

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2010-06-08 03:37 am UTC (link)
"Then you're going to have to work a hell of a lot harder than you're working now." he says, his voice low.

He starts running to get a idea of their terrain. She managed to surprise him and the men she killed, so it's safe to say she's been watching him for some time. How did he miss that? He wonders if she was in Gotham.

No, if she had been, this wouldn't be the first time he'd seen her.

He turns and looses another arrow.

"He died poorly, you know. All washed up in his old age. He couldn't beat a Queen in his younger days, and he sure as hell couldn't beat a Queen in his last ones." Robert taunts.

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