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Dinadan Palmer ([info]sonoftheatom) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
@ 2010-05-27 17:48:00

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Entry tags:dinadan palmer, inactive - henry jordan, inactive - traya smith, petra gardner

Instant Messaging
"Okay, fine, you can make that assumption," Dinadan said, gesturing with his tea cup. "But if you do, don't you need to take it all the way to -- oh crud, is that the time?!" Oooooops. "Sorry Dr. Choi, I've got lots of homework tonight and I really should get home and get started on it. Can we talk more about this later?"

"Sure Dinadan. Good luck on your homework."

"Study hard or death!" added the floating head that shared Dr. Choi's house with him.

"Bye Dr. Choi! Will do, Head!"

Dinadan gathered up his backpack and jogged home. It wasn't too far, and he only tripped over a curb once. His dad wasn't home yet, so he snagged a box of cake mix and a glass of milk on his way up to his bedroom. A few minutes, a fraction of the cake mix, and some mixing later resulted in a little cake baking away in his toy oven while he got started on his homework. He also turned on his computer and set his instant messaging status to "Here, doing homework".

((OOC: See this post for info!))

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2010-06-03 04:43 am UTC (link)
SonOfTheAtom: I can borrow Dad's car again. He usually carpools to poker anyway.

Her instructions make him fidget in his seat a bit and smile in what he knows is a totally dorky sort of way, but it makes perfect sense really. Using someone else's toothbrush is weird.

SonOfTheAtom: I'll pack an overnight bag or something.

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2010-06-03 04:51 am UTC (link)
WarriorGal: ...he plays poker? That's just... hard to picture.

Daddy playing poker, sure, absolutely. But... The Atom? He's one of those smart guy types, isn't he?

WarriorGal: I'll e-mail or text you a list of basic suggestions, and free up some space on a shelf for your stuff.

She smiles at something at her end.

WarriorGal: Thanks for the choice of pink btw. Looks nice. Got a new pair of white sandals it should look great with. Will wear them for our date.

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2010-06-03 05:30 am UTC (link)
SonOfTheAtom: Yeah, he and a few of the other professors at the university get together once a week for poker, horrible greasy food, and science. They let me sit in sometimes, even though the science mostly goes way over my head (no pun intended).

What? He is pretty short, for a human. He's actually kind of tall for a Katarthan.

SonOfTheAtom: Do I need anything besides a change of clothes, toothbrush, deodorant, and shower stuff?

I'm glad you're happy with it. I'm mostly only familiar with nail polish for non-nail uses.

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2010-06-03 05:36 am UTC (link)
WarriorGal: What kind of sciencey stuff do you use nail polish for?

She clicks a few keys.

WarriorGal invites you to view her webcam.
WarriorGal: Check out the color. Not totally dry yet, but came out nice.

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2010-06-03 05:46 am UTC (link)
SonOfTheAtom: Making sure the buttons don't come off my shirts, mending holes in window screens, preventing rust rings...all sorts of stuff.

Dinadan clicks on the invitation, squeaks, and claps a hand over his eyes. Only then does he remember that she had said that she wasn't wearing clothes.

SonOfTheAtom: not toes!

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2010-06-03 05:48 am UTC (link)


The lens on the webcam gets flipped around, now pointing the correct direction. At her feet.

WarriorGal: Sorry about that, sweetie. Normally I premeditate that sort of stuff. We'll just call this one a happy accident.

A pause.

WarriorGal: So... how happy are you? ;)

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2010-06-03 06:02 am UTC (link)
Dinadan peeks through his fingers after a moment or two to see if Petra's feet are actually on camera now. He's trying really, really hard to be a gentleman and not ogle and reality is conspiring against him, he just knows it.

SonOfTheAtom: No problem.

He considers the second message for a few moments. What would Henry do? ...No, that's really not the answer here. Think think think.

Ah ha!

SonOfTheAtom: BRB, looking up stuff about baseball.

Then, to make sure the message got across:

SonOfTheAtom: Because that's what guys think about to not embarrass themselves in front of hot girls.

That's both respectful and appropriate, right?

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2010-06-03 08:36 pm UTC (link)
Petra blinks.

WarriorGal: I always heard that was what guys thought about to last longer in bed.

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2010-06-04 06:31 pm UTC (link)
Maybe he should just paint his face orange. It would certainly save time...

SonOfTheAtom: No. No, it's for distraction because you're hot and very attractive and naked and it kind of shorts my brain out.

Wait! Wait! Augh!

SonOfTheAtom: In a good way!

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2010-06-04 07:51 pm UTC (link)
Petra is falling apart giggling.

WarriorGal: Honey, you're adorable. Come over here and let me hug you. I promise to put something on first.

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2010-06-06 09:56 pm UTC (link)
SonOfTheAtom: I really should finish my homework first. Once I go over to your place, I'm not going to want to come back until it's time for me to go to bed, and I need to have this done by tomorrow. But I appreciate the thought and will take you up on it as soon as my homework's done.

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2010-06-06 10:03 pm UTC (link)
WarriorGal: Hmm... you seem awfully set on going home to go to bed. Was sleeping with me not to your liking?
Should I wait on you for dinner or go ahead and feed myself?

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2010-06-06 10:33 pm UTC (link)
SonOfTheAtom: I've got school tomorrow is all, nothing to do with you!

Go ahead and eat. I'll be over later with stuff for dessert.

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2010-06-06 11:08 pm UTC (link)
WarriorGal: Okay. I'll put on something... nice. And I'll tupper-ware some pasta for you to try.

Mwa. Later sweetness.

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2010-06-07 02:25 am UTC (link)
SonOfTheAtom: Mwa back at you. Later!

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