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lantern_rogues ([info]lantern_rogues) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
@ 2010-05-26 09:03:00

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To sleep, perchance to dream....
Malicor watches as Avalon falls asleep in his Earthly bed. He watches, though, from a place that none but Avalon would even be aware of. The Dreamtime. He waits until the boy is fully and soundly asleep and then goes after him... The chase is quick and easy. The Orange Lantern's ring allows him to draw the boy into a nightmare realm and from there, he doesn't have to work very hard to restrain him. Unlike many of those pesky people from Naltor, Avalon doesn't have the powers that they might in the Dreamtime. In fact, Malicor laughs over Avalon's bound body at the sheer ease of it all once it is all done. He does not put Avalon with all the rest of his captives, but instead puts him in a special place where he is hidden away.

The next part isn't quite as easy. Avia Free is another of his Earth targets, yet she takes a bit more work. No doubt to her, she is simply having a bad dream where some unknown man is chasing her.. But eventually he captures her as well and locks her away with all of the rest of the Naltorians that he had captured. He will have use for her and them later.. Specifically he plans to drain their life force into his depleted rings. Avia has been chosen because of her extraordinary cosmic powers. Malicor had been surprised when he discovered her, but then came to the decision that she would make a perfect "cherry" to top off his ring recharging. He's fairly sure that her life-energy will repair his failing Star Sapphire ring.

The last thing that he does, though, is a final blow to Henry's pride. It's meant to be that, at least. With Avalon and Avia locked away in the Dreamtime, he then sneaks into Avalon and Josh's room and takes something very important. Avalon's Blue Lantern ring. Oh the power that courses through him when he slips it onto his own hand and admired the shining blue bauble. He can't quite get it to function but that won't matter soon. He figures that it won't work until Avalon is dead... but it won't be long from now. He leaves the sleeping boy there to be found in the morning.. Ringless and unresponsive. If anyone were to examine Avia or Avalon, they will find that both simply sleep, but will not wake no matter what is done.

As he retreats back tot he Dreamtime to hide and start recharging his rings, Malicor can't help but laugh. Henry Jordan will rue the day he crossed paths with Malicor! By the time this is all over, Henry will learn what true loss is.

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