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lantern_rogues ([info]lantern_rogues) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
@ 2010-05-26 09:03:00

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Entry tags:avia free, inactive - avalon, inactive - henry jordan, inactive - hope free, inactive - josh casey, inactive - katima sers, inactive - malicor, plot - "dream a little dream"

To sleep, perchance to dream....
Malicor watches as Avalon falls asleep in his Earthly bed. He watches, though, from a place that none but Avalon would even be aware of. The Dreamtime. He waits until the boy is fully and soundly asleep and then goes after him... The chase is quick and easy. The Orange Lantern's ring allows him to draw the boy into a nightmare realm and from there, he doesn't have to work very hard to restrain him. Unlike many of those pesky people from Naltor, Avalon doesn't have the powers that they might in the Dreamtime. In fact, Malicor laughs over Avalon's bound body at the sheer ease of it all once it is all done. He does not put Avalon with all the rest of his captives, but instead puts him in a special place where he is hidden away.

The next part isn't quite as easy. Avia Free is another of his Earth targets, yet she takes a bit more work. No doubt to her, she is simply having a bad dream where some unknown man is chasing her.. But eventually he captures her as well and locks her away with all of the rest of the Naltorians that he had captured. He will have use for her and them later.. Specifically he plans to drain their life force into his depleted rings. Avia has been chosen because of her extraordinary cosmic powers. Malicor had been surprised when he discovered her, but then came to the decision that she would make a perfect "cherry" to top off his ring recharging. He's fairly sure that her life-energy will repair his failing Star Sapphire ring.

The last thing that he does, though, is a final blow to Henry's pride. It's meant to be that, at least. With Avalon and Avia locked away in the Dreamtime, he then sneaks into Avalon and Josh's room and takes something very important. Avalon's Blue Lantern ring. Oh the power that courses through him when he slips it onto his own hand and admired the shining blue bauble. He can't quite get it to function but that won't matter soon. He figures that it won't work until Avalon is dead... but it won't be long from now. He leaves the sleeping boy there to be found in the morning.. Ringless and unresponsive. If anyone were to examine Avia or Avalon, they will find that both simply sleep, but will not wake no matter what is done.

As he retreats back tot he Dreamtime to hide and start recharging his rings, Malicor can't help but laugh. Henry Jordan will rue the day he crossed paths with Malicor! By the time this is all over, Henry will learn what true loss is.

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2010-05-26 03:25 pm UTC (link)
Henry stops by Josh and Avalon's door on his way to the bathroom for a shower. He knocks on the door. "Time to get up, Josh!"

He didn't hear Avalon leave this morning to go to class, but that's nothing unusual; his morning dance classes tend to get him out the door early. He'll see him at school later.

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2010-05-26 04:29 pm UTC (link)
"I'm already up, Henry," comes from the bathroom moments before a towel-clad Josh steps out into the hall. He'd only made it as far as the couch the previous night after a lot of healing and a fight with a villain.

"Did Ava's class get canceled today?" the healer asks as he heads to get some clothes for the day.

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2010-05-26 07:00 pm UTC (link)
"Not that I heard," Henry replies. "Is he still here? Get that lazy man up!"

He shuts the door to the bathroom as he goes to take his shower.

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2010-05-26 09:40 pm UTC (link)
"Yeah. Still in bed," Josh replies, senses giving him info even through the door. "Alright, I'll see what I can do," he chuckles.

The healer proceeds into the room and gets some pants on before heading over to Avalon's side. Kneeling on the bed gently, he reaches out to shake the blue lantern's shoulder.

"Ava? C'mon, we gotta get going to school...you slept through your dance class," he says gently, unaware of anything wrong for now.

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2010-05-27 12:07 am UTC (link)
Usually Avalon is easy to wake. If he's slept this late, it's always been on purpose in the past, and even then he springs right awake or at least responds.

Today, none of that happens. He doesn't even move, save the motion that Josh granted him by shaking his shoulder. His breathing stays deep and steady, as if he were in the deepest phase of sleep.

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2010-05-27 12:36 am UTC (link)
Josh frowns a moment, focusing all his senses on Avalon for a moment.

"Ava?" he repeats.

He's tired, Josh...don't bother him. Poor guy's overworked himself... he thinks. Just as he's about to return to getting dressed, Josh notices something he doesn't sense. No ring.

"Avalon? Ava, wake up," he urges. Looking around, he shakes Ava again. "Henry! Henry, get in here!" he calls.

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2010-05-27 11:02 pm UTC (link)
There is no response from the winged boy. He just keeps on sleeping.

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2010-05-27 11:21 pm UTC (link)
Feeling a bit of a panic coming on, Josh gets to his feet. He shifts his weight a little and then takes off. Within moments he's knocking on the bathroom door, just barely remembering to hold back on the strength so as not to break it.

"Henry!" he calls. "We've got a problem!"

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2010-05-31 12:19 am UTC (link)
Henry ducks his head out of the shower stall, his hair soapy with shampoo. "What's the matter, Josh?" he asks.

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2010-05-31 12:46 am UTC (link)
Josh stares a moment and then shakes his head.

"It's Ava. Something's wrong with him. I can't wake him up," he says, trying not to panic. "And I don't sense his ring anywhere."

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2010-05-31 12:56 am UTC (link)
Henry frowns.

"Hand my my ring," he orders, rinsing the shampoo out of his hair. The ring sits on the counter.

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2010-05-31 01:00 am UTC (link)
Josh nods and moves into the room. He stiffens as if shocked when he touches the ring, eyes glowing white a second. The healer shakes it off and then hands the ring over to Henry. "Here ya go."

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2010-05-31 04:04 am UTC (link)
Henry slips the ring on, then turns off the shower, wrapping a towel around his waist and rushing in to Ava and Josh's room. "Blue?" he asks, shaking the other teen. When he doesn't awake, he starts looking around the room.

"Ring, locate Blue Lantern Avalon's ring."

//Blue Lantern Avalon's ring is not within range.//


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2010-05-31 04:29 am UTC (link)
Kat stumbles into the bedroom having heard noise.

"What's going on?" She rubs her eyes. Still not a morning person.

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2010-05-31 04:32 am UTC (link)
Henry looks up at Kat, concern mixing with intensity on his face. "Blue won't wake up, and his ring is missing."

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2010-05-31 04:35 am UTC (link)
Josh seems a bit too flustered to say much. He just flails a little and points to Henry. "What he said."

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2010-05-31 04:38 am UTC (link)
"That...can't be right."

Hopping up onto the bed, she curls right up beside Avalon and starts nuzzling into his wings, cuddling. Avalon can't resist quality cuddle. But when he doesn't move, doesn't stir, doesn't even pull at her from sleep, the Indigo sits bolt upright.

She's also not FEELING anything from him.

"This is wrong."

Way to state the obvious.

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2010-05-31 04:46 am UTC (link)
Henry nods, his ring giving him a uniform.

"Can you sense anything in him, Kat? Any brainwaves, or anything like that?"

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2010-05-31 01:38 pm UTC (link)
The good news? Avalon's quite fine as far as anyone can tell. He seems to be in some crazy deep REM sleep with lots of active brain activity... but he just won't wake up. Katima's empathy scan will certainly tell that he's simply dreaming, though he seems confused if anything. ALmost like he's starting to realize himself that there is a problem but can't really do anything about it.

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2010-06-01 06:58 pm UTC (link)
"He's just sleeping, dreaming. See his eyes? See how they're moving under the lids? He's in deep REM sleep." Kat positions herself to hold the winged boy close to her, her own head resting a bit on his. "He seems maybe a little confused but who knows what he's dreaming? He's not sick. I would be able to feel that. Did he eat anything weird at the bbq last night?"

She tried to sort out of any Earth foods caused any odd side effects. She and Avalon were always at a culinary disadvantage, given their alien physiologies.

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2010-06-01 07:36 pm UTC (link)
"I'm not sensing anything wrong with him though," Josh speaks up. "No drugs, allergies, toxic reactions...nothing," he's worried. Panicked even. The fact that there is something wrong and he can't sense it scares him. "And why is his ring missing?"

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2010-06-02 03:59 pm UTC (link)
"Maybe... he's hiding it?" Henry frowns. "He could slip it away where not even my ring could sense it, if he wanted to... maybe because of the dream he's having?" He frowns. "Or maybe... This crazy guy named Malicor tried to take his ring once before, but why didn't he go after me while he was here?" He shakes his head. "This doesn't make any sense."

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2010-06-02 07:05 pm UTC (link)
"A reaction to food that made one sleepy wouldn't be wrong exactly, Josh. Like the time I had coffee and zonked out. All you knew was I was tired. I was in perfect health." She frowned as she continued to hold Avalon. "But that's not it. He's not really resting well."

When Henry mentioned Malicor Kat's face grew serious.

"Malicor's a sadistic weirdo. Maybe you and Josh should make a few rounds and see if you can find any trace of him. I'll stay here with Avalon. If I fall asleep, maybe I can get a better read on what's going on in his head. I don't know if my empathy works that way, but it's worth a try, right?"

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2010-06-02 09:44 pm UTC (link)
Josh rubs his arms a bit nervously. "Not exactly, Kat...I don't always mention everything I sense cause it's weird and kinda rude but I could sense the reaction. But right now I don't sense Ava processing any strange chemicals or anything like that," he says.

He tenses when Malicor's mentioned. "The guy that attacked you in space?" he asks. There's a pause before he nods to Kat. "Sounds good," he replies, starting to strip and gather up his uniform to pull on.

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2010-06-03 03:19 am UTC (link)
Through this all, Avalon continues to sleep, completely unresponsive to the world around him.

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2010-06-02 09:17 pm UTC (link)
Deep sleep. Big time deep sleep. Avia Free was, for lack of a better description, dead to the world, only breathing and the occasional bit of rapid eye movement even indicating that she was still alive.

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2010-06-04 12:46 am UTC (link)
"Avia?" Completely unaware that her sister was asleep, Hope entered the room. Seeing her sister absolutely still, Hope walked over to her, a worried look on her face. While Avia was not a fitfull sleeper, she certainly was never this still. "Avia?" She shook her shoulder.

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2010-06-04 01:10 am UTC (link)
Avia was entirely unresponsive, moving only from the motion given by the shake.

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