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superpowerboy ([info]superpowerboy) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
@ 2010-05-16 22:23:00

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Entry tags:cait curry, inactive - tim kent

Swimming! (open!)
With a grin, Tim Kent jumps into the pool and laughs this pleasant Sunday afternoon. He was rather pleased to find the thing in Titans Tower. The partial-Kryptonian was no Aqua-'insert name here' but he did love to swim. And while he likely would have gone outside to swim in the ocean...it was raining outside. The pool was the perfect solution to this problem.

Surfacing and pushing his hair back, the teen-of-steel is just in a pair of black swim-shorts. Floating on his back, he considers what he's going to do with the rest of the day. "Maybe I'll try to find this universe's Mom again..." he muses softly to himself, also wondering what the rest of the Titans were up to.

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2010-05-29 01:32 am UTC (link)
"See you later, Tim," she said as she pulled water out of the pool and began to shape it.

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