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superpowerboy ([info]superpowerboy) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
@ 2010-05-16 22:23:00

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Entry tags:cait curry, inactive - tim kent

Swimming! (open!)
With a grin, Tim Kent jumps into the pool and laughs this pleasant Sunday afternoon. He was rather pleased to find the thing in Titans Tower. The partial-Kryptonian was no Aqua-'insert name here' but he did love to swim. And while he likely would have gone outside to swim in the ocean...it was raining outside. The pool was the perfect solution to this problem.

Surfacing and pushing his hair back, the teen-of-steel is just in a pair of black swim-shorts. Floating on his back, he considers what he's going to do with the rest of the day. "Maybe I'll try to find this universe's Mom again..." he muses softly to himself, also wondering what the rest of the Titans were up to.

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2010-05-18 01:59 am UTC (link)
Cait always skipped the pool and went for her daily swims in the ocean. Salt water was always better and there were dolphins to play with. However, practicing with her powers was always easier in the pool. The water was calmer and there were less distractions.

She was surprised to find someone else in there. "Hey," she said.

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2010-05-19 01:07 am UTC (link)
Glancing up, Tim flashes a grin and waves.

"Heya, Cait. How's it goin'?"

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2010-05-19 01:59 am UTC (link)
"It's going. Been quiet, which makes one wonder. I was just going to get some practice with my powers in, but I can come back later when you're done. How are you?"

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2010-05-19 02:13 am UTC (link)
"Yeah," Tim chuckles, swimming over to the edge of the pool. "I guess the quiet can mean something bad might be going down but hey," he pauses to grin. "I prefer to think of it more as us just being real good at what we do," he says.

"Doin' alright I guess. Just relaxin' and considering going Bat-hunting tonight," the teen of steel replies. "Not...actual hunting. Just trying to find Batgirl is all," he clarifies with a little laugh. "What about you?"

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2010-05-19 02:28 am UTC (link)
"Something like that. I may be a little pessimistic, but I never think quiet is good. It usually means something is happening and we just don't know about it yet."

Cait shrugged. "I'm okay." She was working through a lot at the moment and didn't want to unload her problems and issues on someone else. She had barely spoken to Ty about what was going through her head.

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2010-05-19 03:01 am UTC (link)
"Yeah, sounds pessimistic to me," Tim replies, still all smiles. "But isn't there technically always something going on?"

"That's good," he pauses, nodding. "Well if ya can't train why not just swim?" Tim offers with a grin.

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2010-05-19 03:27 am UTC (link)
"You have a point, but world destroying, or city destroying is what I'm talking about."

"I'm not a fan of swimming in the pool. Too many chemicals in it. I use it for practice and I swim in the ocean."

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2010-05-19 05:59 am UTC (link)
Tim blinks and then chuckles a little. "Well, I'm pretty sure the world and city aren't being destroyed," he chuckles.

"I prefer the ocean too. Young Justice's base where I'm from was right on the ocean so I went swimming all the time," he smiles at the memory. "But with all the rain out there, I figured I'd stay in today."

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2010-05-19 06:27 am UTC (link)
Cait smiled. "Next time you go for a swim, grab me and I'll introduce you to Hope and her pod. They love visitors."

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2010-05-19 06:40 am UTC (link)
Tim starts to say something but stops himself and chuckles instead. "Sure. I'll have to take ya up on that sometime," he replies.

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2010-05-19 06:16 pm UTC (link)
"That'd be nice. I'm still exploring the area around San Francisco. It's been interesting."

Cait sat down on the edge of the pool and put her feet in the water. "How are you adjusting to things here?"

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2010-05-19 07:01 pm UTC (link)
Tim lets out a thoughtful noise, peering out at the beach with his super eyes a moment. "Lot to explore," he remarks idly.

"I'm doing alright, I suppose. Been reading up on some history. Went looking around Gotham the other day and ran into this weird Star Sapphire guy...didn't know they came in male versions here," he chuckles. "Somehow I expected a battle-thong or something," another laugh and he shakes his head. "But I'm adjusting."

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2010-05-19 08:44 pm UTC (link)
"Yes," she agreed. "I haven't had much of a chance to spend time in the Northern Pacific. We do apparently, but I don't know many of the lanterns. I only know Henry. He's a green."

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2010-05-19 09:07 pm UTC (link)
"Me either," Tim remarks. "My only visits to the Pacific were when I went to visit our Titans or Dad's old friends in Hawaii," he says, climbing out of the pool and heading for the diving board. "Henry? Who's that?"

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2010-05-19 09:11 pm UTC (link)
"Henry Jordan. Hal's son. He's a green lantern. I don't know any of the others, but I hear there's a few."

Cait played with a small sphere of water. It started orbiting her.

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2010-05-19 09:16 pm UTC (link)
Tim pauses and stares a moment. "Wow. Unexpected," he chuckles. "You guys got all the different color lanterns in this world or just green and purple?" he asks, starting to climb.

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2010-05-19 11:16 pm UTC (link)
"I know we have green, blue, and the star sapphires on Earth right now. The others are out there somewhere."

Cait kept the sphere moving and added two more.

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2010-05-19 11:45 pm UTC (link)
"Huh," Tim smiles. "Glad to hear some things are the same. Just as long as none of the freaky zombie ones show up," he shudders. "I do not wanna go through that again," he says, climbing up to the top of the board. He lingers a moment before jumping and diving. He enters the water smoothly and resurfaces a few moments later.

"Woo," the teen-of-steel chuckles. He looks towards Cait and watches the spinning spheres as he swims towards the edge by the diving board again. "That's a pretty cool trick," he remarks, climbing out of the pool.

Of course he's not noticed that he's lost his swimsuit during the dive and that it's floating around the other side of the pool.

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2010-05-19 11:50 pm UTC (link)
"Zombie lanterns? Can't say we've had any of those and I don't think I want to know."

"I'm a hydrokinetic. I get it from my mother."

Cait immediately looked away when he climbed out of the pool with nothing on.

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2010-05-23 04:36 pm UTC (link)
Oblivious to what occurred, Tim nods. "Yeah. Definitely don't wanna have to know about them unless they show up," he shudders, reaching the ladder.

"Hydrokinesis is pretty cool. Really strong pow-" he pauses, noticing his shorts floating in the pool. "Oh sprock!" he yelps, quickly covering himself. "Sorry! TTK bodyfield...not always perfect..." he trails off, directing said power through the ground and water to slowly drag the swim suit back towards himself.

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2010-05-23 08:56 pm UTC (link)
"It's okay," Cait said keeping her eyes adverted. "It happens."

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2010-05-23 09:41 pm UTC (link)
Speedily getting back into his shorts, Tim sighs. His ears are a bit red from embarrassment and he offers a small laugh. "Yeah...sorry again."

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2010-05-25 02:41 am UTC (link)
"It happens," she said and turned back around. "Seeing a naked person was bound to happen at some point living here with the Titans."

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2010-05-25 03:26 am UTC (link)
Chuckling a little, Tim tilts his head to the side. "So I can expect to one day randomly see someone naked here?" he asks, amused. "I'll be careful with the ol' X-ray vision then," he laughs.

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2010-05-25 04:00 pm UTC (link)
"Admittingly you're the first naked one I've seen," she said. Sure Cait had been seeing Tyler for almost two years, but they hadn't gotten past kissing yet.

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2010-05-25 04:16 pm UTC (link)
Making sure the drawstring is tied very tightly, Tim chuckles again.

"Well, glad it's someone like me ya had to see and not like...a supervillain," he tries to joke. "Now that's an embarrassing thing...accidentally zapping the villain's clothes in the middle of a fight."

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2010-05-29 12:35 am UTC (link)
"I don't think I'd want to see any of them naked," Cait said with a chuckle.

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2010-05-29 12:51 am UTC (link)
Tim laughs. "Let me tell ya...when my X-ray vision kicked in, I saw a lot of things I didn't want to. Way more of my team than I ever intended, my parents as skeletons...accidentally flew through a wall when I saw that first thing in the morning...and that a villain I was fighting was going commando. Dunno what's worse...seeing that or the energy blasts to the face I got because I was too busy trying to bleach my brain," the teen of steel chuckles, sitting on the edge of the pool instead of diving back in.

"Any interesting incidents with your powers?"

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2010-05-29 12:54 am UTC (link)
"Fun," she said. Cait shook her head. "Nope. Mother started teaching me at an early age."

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2010-05-29 01:30 am UTC (link)
"Lucky," Tim teases a little. He's quiet for a few moments before stretching. "Well. Think I'm gonna go get some more clothes on," he laughs a little. "I'll see ya later, Cait."

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2010-05-29 01:32 am UTC (link)
"See you later, Tim," she said as she pulled water out of the pool and began to shape it.

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