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Kieran Grey ([info]4ever_yours) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
@ 2010-05-13 00:26:00

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Entry tags:inactive - kieran grey, inactive - tim kent

Feels like Summer (Open)

Kieran was enjoying the beautiful weather outsider it was still spring but felt almost like summer. He was sitting in a park bench doing a mixture of people watching and enjoy being out in this little piece of nature that was the park not far from where he lived.

The birds were sings, there song of children playing filled the air and through his ring he could sense all the love around him the couples walking by, children and their parents, friendship and platonic love it was everywhere. Even still he was on the lookout for heartbreak or people whose true love for each other was in jeopardy. It was his way of dealing with loves call.

From what he could tell other star sapphires traveled the galaxy spreading love but he didn’t think it was necessary for him to do that considering how much it was need in his home in Gotham and if any place needed love it was here.

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2010-05-14 10:41 pm UTC (link)
Love had certainly suffered a blow in one young man. Timothy Kent, aka Power Boy, sighed as he floated over the park. He was in costume today.

He'd come to Gotham in search of this universe's version of his mother. Even if she wasn't the same, he felt like he should know her. But after checking everywhere he thought she should be, his search turned up no results. And now he was wandering through the air over the park and watching people with his enhanced vision. And he was depressed. His missed his parents, he missed his team, he missed all the other heroes. He even missed his archnemesis.

"Man..." he sighs, stopping to watch a pair of parents and their child. Yep...this heart's experienced loss and it's still hurting him.

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2010-05-14 11:34 pm UTC (link)
Kieran could feel the heart ache coming from a young man in what appeared to be a costume, though he did not appear to one of the normal costumes in the city, above him when he looked at him he could even see it on him with his body language.

Kieran got up and headed to an out a view spot he knew about so he could get into costume without anyone noticing. He would have preferred to talk to the young man out of costume but he felt this would make things go smoother.

He had gotten pretty good at getting the costume the way he liked it which was very conservative and covered him well. It was a hell of a lot better than the first one which had been for all intensive purposes a Speedo.

Kieran than took to the sky and made his way over to the heartbroken guy. “Hey, I couldn’t help but notice you were feeling pretty down and wanted to see if you wanted to talk about.”

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2010-05-14 11:37 pm UTC (link)
Tim hears someone coming his way but since they don't seem to be flying in 'attack!' mode, he's relaxed. When that someone actually speaks to him, Power Boy blinks and turns around. He looks Kieran over and then just looks confused.

"I'm sorry...what?" he asks. "Umm. Do you know me?" he asks, tiny bit of hope there. Maybe someone from his world was sent looking for him. He didn't know everyone after all.

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2010-05-14 11:52 pm UTC (link)
“No but you looked like you needed someone to talk to and I thought I could help,” Kieran said he could sense in Tim’s voice that was looking for more than he could offer. He felt really bad for him and wanted to see what he could do to help him get over his heartache.

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2010-05-14 11:56 pm UTC (link)
"Oh..." Tim trails off, sadness coming back. He takes a breath and brings back the fake little smile. "I'm Power Boy," he offers a hand. "And thanks...I guess I could sorta use someone to talk to."

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2010-05-15 12:05 am UTC (link)
He could see how disappointed Tim was with his answer though he wasn’t sure what the cause was but he could easily tell that the smile was fake and that he was hurting a lot inside. He didn’t have a real alias but he felt an element of honesty could help and shook his hand with a firm grip “I’m Grey and it’s a pleasure to meet you power boy.”

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2010-05-15 12:09 am UTC (link)
Tim pauses and looks Grey over again. Shaking off the odd thought, he shifts a little awkwardly in the air. "So umm...how did you know I was all..moping?" he asks. "Are you an empath?" he asks trying to delay getting into what's bothering him.

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2010-05-15 12:20 am UTC (link)
“You body language and tone of voice are a dead giveaway to someone who know what to look for it,” Kieran explained, “Though this ring does let me read hearts and yours is screaming in pain.” He had worked with kids enough to see that the question was a delaying tactic and tried to shift the focus back saying, “But enough about me.”

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2010-05-15 12:38 am UTC (link)
Tim blinks again. "Man...Robin was right about me then..." he trails off. Shaking his head, he peers at the ring. "You're one of those Purple Lanterns? Huh...I thought you only came in girl-form," he chuckles a bit.

There's a pause and Tim sighs. "Alright. I'm so down cause I'm stuck somewhere weird and newish and I'll probably never see my friends and family or even my arch-enemy type guy ever again..."

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2010-05-15 12:53 am UTC (link)
“I think it’s more violet but that’s only unimportant semantics,” Kieran said though didn’t add that he was the first male one as he felt that that was unimportant and not relevant to the conversation at hand.

“Surprisingly I can relate to that,” He said thinking on his family history and not being from the US though he still had Lynn through all of it.

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2010-05-15 01:02 am UTC (link)
Tim pauses and then shrugs. There's a small smile before the teen of steel tilts his head to the side.

"You can?" he asks.

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2010-05-15 01:10 am UTC (link)
“Well I don’t like to talk about it much but my family back in England disowned me and I came to the United States only knowing one person,” Kieran said though his accent was all but gone when he normally talked. “Though I would have to guess your situation is a bit more extreme than that.”

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2010-05-15 01:15 am UTC (link)
Tim frowns a bit and scratches the back of his head. "Sorry 'bout that, man," he says. "And yeah...really extreme. Like...well there's a hell of a lot more than just an ocean between me and all them," he sighs. "Some kind of crazy alternate universe thing," a sigh. "So I'm stuck here. Where no one knows me, the people I know aren't who I know, and I've got nothing to my name but this," he jerks a thumb at the costume. "I've been hanging out with some other hero types for awhile but," the teen shrugs. "It's not the same. I miss my parents...my cousins...my teammates...my best friends..."

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2010-05-15 01:24 am UTC (link)
“I’m very sorry about that,” Kieran said and it was easy to tell how much he meant it. “Though I do have a suggestion that might help, instead of looking for people to be the same look for thing I might not be as good but it could help whenever you’re feeling like this because you will know that they could be doing the same thing.”

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2010-05-15 01:35 am UTC (link)
Tim stares a moment, trying to make sense of what Kieran says to him. He frowns slightly and tilts his head to the side. "Wait...what?"

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2010-05-15 01:45 am UTC (link)
“Oh, what I meant is find something here that is exactly the same and use that to help you connect to where you’re from even if it’s something simple like food. It might help making adjusting easier.”

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2010-05-15 01:58 am UTC (link)
"Oh!" Tim exclaims, feeling a bit dumb. "Huh. Well so far most food is pretty different. I mean I spent 15 minutes trying to figure out the new cereals..." he trails off. "What's the same...well...the sun and sky are the same. General geography...unless there's something weird going on, sex should be the same...uhh...so far not much is exactly the same."

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2010-05-15 02:09 am UTC (link)
“Well, keep looking I’m sure you will find something that you can use,” Kieran said reassuredly with a grin.

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2010-05-15 02:13 am UTC (link)
Tim is quiet a moment before he smirks. "Wanna help me find out if sex is the same in this universe?" he jokes. Of course he wouldn't turn the guy down if he said yes but he was just joking at the moment.

"I sure hope you're right..."

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2010-05-15 02:27 am UTC (link)
“Well for one thing I’m married and straight,” Kieran said pointing to the ring on his left hand, “and I think I have at least a decade on you in age so no, but I’m sure you could find the right guy to do that with eventually.”

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2010-05-15 02:38 am UTC (link)
Tim rolls his eyes. He takes a moment to wonder why the only people who take that joke seriously are the ones that turn him down but shakes it off. "Hey, age is no thing as long as it's legal," he snickers. "I'm just joking anyway," he waves a hand. ""Guy...girl...either works though," he adds seriously.

There's another pause. "Maybe the whole superhero thing can be the same..." he trailed off thoughtfully.

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2010-05-15 02:59 am UTC (link)
“I believe it would actually be illegal if my understanding of the laws is correct,” Kieran said having dealt with advances of that nature before with his work as a high school guidance counselor. “I probably could point the way to you finding love if you needed it.”

“That makes sense the superhero thing is a concept so they would mostly likely be the same or close enough not to be noticeably.”

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2010-05-15 03:11 am UTC (link)
Tim blinks a few times. One thought pops to mind.

This universe is weird.

"You can point me towards love?" he asks, confused by this. "Like what do you mean?"

"Well. I was already going to keep heroing so that's great," he grins. "I am Power Boy after all."

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2010-05-15 03:22 am UTC (link)
“Help you find it by putting you on the right path or match maker if necessary though, though letting you work it out yourself I think is preferable,” Kieran said trying to explain better.

“Well that’s good to hear the world always could use more people to do the right thing.”

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2010-05-15 03:36 am UTC (link)
"Oh..." Tim trails off. He thinks a moment then waves it off. "Thanks but I'll handle getting my life back into 'non-crazy' zone first," he chuckles.

"Yeah, more than enough villains to go around for us heroes."

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2010-05-15 03:47 am UTC (link)
“Makes perfect sense, people shouldn’t do anything until they are ready to,” Kieran said understandingly.

“I wouldn’t call myself a hero though, more someone who help where he can.”

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2010-05-15 03:55 am UTC (link)
Tim nods and stretches. "I just don't wanna get anyone like...in love with me just yet...incase I suddenly go back where I'm from..." he trails off.

"Seems heroic enough for me."

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2010-05-15 04:01 am UTC (link)
“Things will happen as they are meant too,” Kieran said trying to reassure him.

“I suppose there is more than one type of hero,” He said after thinking on it for a few moments.

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2010-05-15 04:07 am UTC (link)
"Guess they do..." Tim trails off. He wonders how he could be meant to be sent off to some crazy alternate world but he doesn't say it aloud.

"Yep. Plenty," he agrees. "Hey, man...I gotta get back to the Titans before they worry. Thanks for talking with me, dude."

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2010-05-15 04:12 am UTC (link)
“It was not trouble it was nice talking to you as well,” Kieran said, “Have a safe trip back.”

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2010-05-15 04:20 am UTC (link)
Tim chuckles, reaching over to give Kieran a quick pat on the shoulder. "See ya, man," he says before speeding off and out of sight. He was still depressed but atleast it was easier to forget for awhile.

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2010-05-15 04:26 am UTC (link)
After Tim speed away Kieran went back to the secluded spot from earlier and changed back to his normal cloths which he preferred. Kieran thought he would go visit Lynn for a bit at the hospital and might tell her about what had just happened, he wasn’t certain if she could truly hear him but he liked to think that she could.

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