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dc_baddie ([info]dc_baddie) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
@ 2010-05-09 19:19:00

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Entry tags:goldstar, inactive - alex rice-matthews, npc - toyman, will freeman

New York is a city that's used to the strange and bizarre.

But a mass of toys, rolling along on roller skates, vaguely humanoid shaped, with arms made up of super soakers, and a doll with a cracked face making up the head, is even the most jaded New Yorker might find pretty unusual. A jack-in-the-box grabs the string behind on the cracked doll and pulls.

"Come and play!" it declares in a scratchy, electronic, childish sing-cong voice. But while people run screaming, the toy pile scampers forward, firing a corrosive fluid from its squirt-rifle arms as it goes.

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2010-05-28 10:49 pm UTC (link)
Putting a bubble around Toyman's remains until the authorities arrive, Green Lantern glances over his shoulder. "Amazing friends?" he asks. A look is sent Shazam's way before Alex smirks at Goldstar. "You post your battles on a website?"

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