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dc_baddie ([info]dc_baddie) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
@ 2010-05-09 19:19:00

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Entry tags:goldstar, inactive - alex rice-matthews, npc - toyman, will freeman

New York is a city that's used to the strange and bizarre.

But a mass of toys, rolling along on roller skates, vaguely humanoid shaped, with arms made up of super soakers, and a doll with a cracked face making up the head, is even the most jaded New Yorker might find pretty unusual. A jack-in-the-box grabs the string behind on the cracked doll and pulls.

"Come and play!" it declares in a scratchy, electronic, childish sing-cong voice. But while people run screaming, the toy pile scampers forward, firing a corrosive fluid from its squirt-rifle arms as it goes.

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2010-05-11 04:34 pm UTC (link)
Riley lets out a downright girlish squeal as the teddy bear latches on. It doesn't get through the force field, but the pressure, right on his left butt-cheek, is real and uncomfortable enough.

Twisting his arm around, another laser blast, (aimed VERY carefully) gets rid of it. Then he can finally take a look at his aide.

"Thank you, fellow crime-fighter. Don't believe we've met. Goldstar, charmed I'm sure." This would be a much more smooth introduction if he wasn't rubbing his butt. It hurt, after all. He hoped he wasn't marked, even if the suit had kept him from getting torn up. Track shorts didn't do much to cover injuries.

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2010-05-11 10:45 pm UTC (link)
Alex laughs a bit at the squeal, watching just where that bear bites. He shakes his head as the bear gets blasted away.

The Lantern offers a hand, leaning to the side to check out Goldstar's butt. "No, we haven't met. I'm the Green Lantern," he says, lasso construct fading away. "Hurt?" he asks, glancing down at Toyman and trying to figure out a good method of attack.

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