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dc_baddie ([info]dc_baddie) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
@ 2010-05-09 19:19:00

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Entry tags:goldstar, inactive - alex rice-matthews, npc - toyman, will freeman

New York is a city that's used to the strange and bizarre.

But a mass of toys, rolling along on roller skates, vaguely humanoid shaped, with arms made up of super soakers, and a doll with a cracked face making up the head, is even the most jaded New Yorker might find pretty unusual. A jack-in-the-box grabs the string behind on the cracked doll and pulls.

"Come and play!" it declares in a scratchy, electronic, childish sing-cong voice. But while people run screaming, the toy pile scampers forward, firing a corrosive fluid from its squirt-rifle arms as it goes.

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2010-05-10 01:12 am UTC (link)
Before some of that liquid can strike a fleeing person, a green wall springs up to block it.

"And what the heck are you supposed to be?" The Green Lantern, surrounded by that aura of his and in uniform, asks as he floats into view. "Cause you look messed up," he adds, eyebrow quirked.

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2010-05-10 03:29 am UTC (link)
It pulls its string again. "Tooooymaaaan," it declares. "Come plaaaay!"

It fires a steaming spray of fluid from one of its arms at Alex.

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2010-05-10 04:34 am UTC (link)
Alex just snorts, raising his hand and creating an umbrella construct to block the spray. "You don't sound or look like any kind of man."

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2010-05-10 04:53 am UTC (link)
"Well, shit."

Will had just spent his third day wandering around New York. The first day, there was the meeting with the JSA that ended...well, "odd" would be putting it mildly. The second, he met Jonathan Kent, the son of Superman. his grand entrance? Spilling blueberry cheesecake chunk all over the famous "S".

The third? A mass of self-propelled toys that shoot corrosive acid.

Without a second thought, Will found a small alley (New York is awesome that way) and yelled the word to become Marvel.


In a flash, Will was flying forward into what looked to be a childs' nightmare. Citizens were running from the horde of misfit toys, which proceeded to spit out it's corrosive payload. Marvel got in the way of three such attacks, taking the shots for innocent New yorkers who were unlucky enough to be in their way. The Power of Zeus did wonders to ensure the attack did no damage to him, but the sick smell made Will a bit more light-headed than he liked.

Determining where the attack originated, Captain Marvel flew in just in time to see an umbrella construct protect someone in a very brightly colored uniform.

"Hey, man," Will said in recognizing his fellow JSA'er. "Who's the clown with the busted up face?"

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2010-05-10 04:03 pm UTC (link)
There's a flash of gold, blue, and a tiny bit of green, as a force-field clad flying individual smashes into the clown.

"Never fear, fellow heroes, GOLDSTAR is here!"

He KNEW this was a great day to make the jaunt from Gotham to Manhattan. Score.

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2010-05-10 08:23 pm UTC (link)
The toys seem to envelope the individual, action figures and dolls in the mass grabbing and pulling him in. "Plaaaaytiiime," the dollhead declares as the jack-in-the-box pulls the string once again.

A BB-rifle emerges from the torso-like mass of toys, and it begins firing BBs at deadly speeds towards the other two heroes.

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2010-05-10 09:04 pm UTC (link)
Alex lowers his construct when Will flies in. "Hey, man. Toy-freak," he gestures to the monster made of playthings. He starts to say something about smashing it when Goldstar appears. The Lantern in momentarily distracted, just staring. "Who?" he asks, confused. "Uh. I'll rescue goldie there, you keep doll face busy?" he suggests to Will before blasting off towards Goldstar. Concentrating, the young hero sends a glowing lasso down to grab Goldstar and help pull him out of the mass of toys.

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2010-05-11 12:43 pm UTC (link)
"Got it."

In a flash, Will begins tearing apart the myriad toys with the most dangerous weapons on them, as per the Wisdom of Socrates. But there are so many of them, and they keep showing up.

God damn, they're like zombies! Plastic...acid-spitting zombies, Will thinks as he takes apart another one.

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2010-05-11 02:14 pm UTC (link)
Goldstar lets out a yelp as he starts kicking and flailing his way out of the mass. "That does it! No more collective-based enemies! I'm done with swarms!"

Lasers. Lots of lasers. If lasers aren't solving your problems, you're not using enough lasers.

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2010-05-11 03:27 pm UTC (link)
The doll fires a massive rocking-horse at Will from its chest... with the force of a cannon. Meanwhile, between the lasers and the lasso, Goldstar is pulled out of the mass feet-first. A teddy bear with razor-sharp teeth attempts to bite for Goldstar as he is pulled free.

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2010-05-11 03:50 pm UTC (link)
Alex pulls Riley away from the mass of toys and lets him hang in the air at eye-level until he starts flying under his own power. The teddy bear gets an odd look but the Green Lantern is pretty sure Goldstar can handle that one on his own.

"You alright?" he asks, looking Riley over both to check for obvious injury and just because.

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2010-05-11 04:34 pm UTC (link)
Riley lets out a downright girlish squeal as the teddy bear latches on. It doesn't get through the force field, but the pressure, right on his left butt-cheek, is real and uncomfortable enough.

Twisting his arm around, another laser blast, (aimed VERY carefully) gets rid of it. Then he can finally take a look at his aide.

"Thank you, fellow crime-fighter. Don't believe we've met. Goldstar, charmed I'm sure." This would be a much more smooth introduction if he wasn't rubbing his butt. It hurt, after all. He hoped he wasn't marked, even if the suit had kept him from getting torn up. Track shorts didn't do much to cover injuries.

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2010-05-11 10:45 pm UTC (link)
Alex laughs a bit at the squeal, watching just where that bear bites. He shakes his head as the bear gets blasted away.

The Lantern offers a hand, leaning to the side to check out Goldstar's butt. "No, we haven't met. I'm the Green Lantern," he says, lasso construct fading away. "Hurt?" he asks, glancing down at Toyman and trying to figure out a good method of attack.

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2010-05-15 07:41 am UTC (link)
The rocking horse doesn't register to Will, as he's taking apart a bunch of other toys to pay attention to it.


Not it felt like he just took a punch to the stomach, and Wills reeling.

"Ow! Damn horse...missile...THINGY!"

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2010-05-18 11:21 pm UTC (link)
"Play!" the doll declares as its string is pulled again. It begins firing marbles towards the three heroes like a machinegun.

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2010-05-18 11:24 pm UTC (link)
"You okay, Shazam?" Alex calls to his teammate as he flies a bit closer in. As the marbles start coming in, several ping off Alex's aura before he puts up another shield. "Hey! Goldstar! Aim for the doll with the pull string! Maybe that'll take it down!"

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2010-05-20 11:54 pm UTC (link)
"On it!" Riley makes a fast circle to get a clear shot, then unleashes a blast at the central doll.

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2010-05-22 02:28 am UTC (link)
Toys go flying from the blast, sending rubber bouncy balls in all directions. Razor-sharp jacks scatter across the concrete, along with rubber duckies and at least one decapitated Ken doll. The central doll flies to pieces... and another action figure climbs to the doll to pull the string.

"Toyman can't talk without its string!" it declares.

And still the toy-creature keeps coming.

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2010-05-23 06:24 am UTC (link)

That's all Will can do at what just happened. Goldstar had shot the toy that was talking.

It had blown to pieces.

And it's STILL talking!

"Well, I was fine, before that happened," Will said, his eyes now on the broken apart doll that had talked. Jeez, that was creepy!

"I'll get the jacks-o-doom. You two figure out how to kill the plastic zombie-thingy" Will says as he flies forward in a blur, moving quickly to get all the razor jacks. He'll also try for the bouncy balls, but Wills now worried those will suck as bad as the rocket horsie.

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2010-05-23 10:54 pm UTC (link)
Scowling, Alex glances around. "Alright, get clear! I'm gonna try to finish this thing off," he calls to the others. "Cover me," he adds.

Ring flaring, Alex flies forward and swings his-ring hand at Toyman. Emerald energies swirl and grow into the shape of a rather large hammer that Alex attempts to smash down atop the mass of toys.

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2010-05-24 05:12 pm UTC (link)
Riley pulls back, trying to keep clear of the latest attack. He needs to talk to Rip and Dad about upgrading some of his gear. Something with more kick is in order.

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2010-05-24 10:14 pm UTC (link)
As the hammer collides, there's a tremendous crash... and a tiny squeak like a dog's chew toy or a clown's nose. Pieces of toys and solid rubber bouncy balls go flying, bouncing off down the street.

The central doll body doesn't get back up.

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2010-05-26 09:42 pm UTC (link)
Letting the hammer fade away, Alex wipes his forehead and flies down to examine the crunched toys.

"Think that did it?" he asks the others.

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2010-05-27 06:46 pm UTC (link)
The toys have stopped moving? Yes?


"Yes! Another crisis averted, thanks to Goldstar and his Amazing Friends!" He strikes a pose, flashing a grin to anyone with a camera. "For streaming video recordings of this battle, courtesy of my assistant, Skeets, you can go to wwww.newblueandgold.com "

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2010-05-28 10:49 pm UTC (link)
Putting a bubble around Toyman's remains until the authorities arrive, Green Lantern glances over his shoulder. "Amazing friends?" he asks. A look is sent Shazam's way before Alex smirks at Goldstar. "You post your battles on a website?"

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2010-05-31 01:42 am UTC (link)
Will was too busy busy trying to get the last bunch of jacks when Goldstar yells his sentence. Will is too flabbergasted by what was just said that he almost missed Alex's sentence.

"New blue and gold? Well, I'm red and gold, and he's red and green. That's misrepresentation. Would we be able to sue you for misrepresentation?"

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