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lantern_kid ([info]lantern_kid) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
@ 2010-05-09 15:10:00

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Entry tags:avia free, inactive - alerron ya, inactive - avalon, inactive - henry jordan, inactive - hope free, inactive - josh casey, inactive - katima sers, inactive - natand'r, jon kent, npc - mongul

Approaching New Tamaran
Once Sodam Yat finally was done with his mission and could reply to Henry's message, he was on Earth in the matter of hours. A short time later, and they'd assembled their team.

Lead by the Ion-powered Yat, the rest of the team was made up of Henry, Avalon, Katima, LifeForce, Jon Kent, the Free kids of Hope and Avia, and, of course, Alerron, son of Starfire and Yat.

The plan was a simple one. There would be many Tamaranians unhappy with Blackfire's rule. Head down to the surface, take out Blackfire, free Starfire. Once Starfire was free, the ruling of the planet should be easily transferred.

This had been Josh's first trip through space, and he was still worried about his boyfriend. He made sure to hold his hand tightly through the space-trip, which thankfully was faster than he could do alone due to the warp capabilities of a Blue Lantern.

He glances back to the others as the world comes into view below.

"Everyone ready?" he asks them. "Remember, Yat and Alerron handle Blackfire. Hope and Avia, find Starfire and get her free. The rest of us, provide cover where needed. She'll probably have some muscle in there to help her keep power, but it shouldn't be anything too powerful -- she'll want to have control over them. Which means the rest of us can handle it."

He leans over to whisper in Josh's ear, giving his hand a reassuring squeeze. "We're almost there. Hang on, handsome."

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2010-06-04 10:50 pm UTC (link)
Mongul is still surprised at the amount of fight the young man has in him. Did Natand'r go soft on him? Jon's blows cause him to give one step, then another, but Mongul is still in good shape.

He brings a two-fisted blow down on Jon's back, trying to hammer him into the floor.

"Come on, boy! Even your father was smart enough to know he couldn't beat me in hand-to-hand. Your friends are down, or nearly dead. Just give up...you know that you can't win alone.

Swear fealty to me, and I'll allow you to live." Mongul taunts.

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2010-06-05 03:29 pm UTC (link)
Its clear he's not winning this fight, but Jon keeps at it, he has to buy the others time, or hold out for some opening.
"You should know better than that. Death would be preferable to life under a tyrant like you."

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2010-06-05 05:26 pm UTC (link)
With each blow Jon strikes, Mongul's boisterous demeanor begins to fade. This boy is as bothersome and headstrong as his father!

"I can arrange the former if you won't accept the later, boy!" Mongul snarls. He attempts another chest blast on Jon, and follows it with a thunderous fist.

"Why don't you just DIE?!" he yells, his rage beginning to show.

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2010-06-05 07:31 pm UTC (link)
Mongul's blows are enough to draw blood - not a common experience, very little has made him bleed. One eye is swollen mostly shut, just moving to fight back is excruciating, but he still keeps coming.

"You... first."

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2010-06-07 12:36 pm UTC (link)
"Stand down, Father."

It takes a moment, but Natand'r finally put himself in the fight alongside Jon. With his hands balled into fists, Nate throws a punch from the side to level the playing field.

Truthfully, he still had doubts about fighting his own family. It wasn't something he was very comfortable with, but he had some level of resolve to protect Tamaran's future from them.

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2010-06-08 03:01 am UTC (link)
The blow from Natand'r strikes Mongul solidly as he wasn't expecting it at all. He's rocked and steps away from the Kryptonian, staring at his son in shock.

"What in the nine hells is wrong with you? Why isn't Alerron Yat dead yet? Why are you attacking me?" he asks.

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2010-06-08 02:20 pm UTC (link)
"I have a vision for Tamaran," Natand'r replied. "And I suddenly realize that you and Mother cannot be in it. You two are... unhealthy."

It hurt to say it, but it had to be said. He wished he had had the time to think things through, but that just wasn't possible.

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2010-06-09 06:22 pm UTC (link)
Jon doesn't trust Natand'r, but nor is he going to look a gift horse in the mouth. So when Nate interferes, instead of taking the moment to catch his breath or try and clear his vision, he pushes back to his feet, and launches himself at Mongul, throwing his best haymaker with most of what he has left.

"You're being evicted. Face it. Even you can't fight us both."

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2010-06-09 11:10 pm UTC (link)
The punch from Jon rocks Mongul back another step, and he returns it as best he can.

"Like your father, you underestimate me, boy." Mongul snarls.

"As for you," he says, his eyes narrow at his son, "your ambition is laudable, but your timing is terrible. Stand down and I'll forget you struck me."

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2010-06-15 03:21 am UTC (link)

Nate moved in to catch his father's punch and give Jon an opening. "I will not let you forget."

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2010-06-19 11:55 am UTC (link)
Jon swings. Its less focused, wilder than he'd like, but he has a still target thanks to the help, and it doesn't lack for power. He quickly follows it up, tapping into every reserve of will and solar energy he has to keep swinging away.

"I told you Mongul, you're evicted. You've lost."

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2010-06-19 12:01 pm UTC (link)
The punches from Natand'r and Jon rock Mongul, dropping him to one knee. He hasn't come all this way to be beaten by two children, even one of them is his. He's murdered his own sister before; killing his son will be irritating, but he can have more children.

He kicks at Natand'r, intending to disable him while he ends the Kryptonian.

"If two sons must die this day, then so be it." Mongul snarls.

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2010-06-19 11:52 pm UTC (link)

Nate narrowly dodged the kick and comes back with a right hook wrapped in a starbolt.

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2010-06-26 12:18 am UTC (link)
Mongul tries to withstand the onslaught, but both young men slowly, surely get the better of the golden behemoth. He snarls in rage, wildly attacking the two of them before he is beaten further.

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2010-06-26 01:17 am UTC (link)

Nate took punches from his father, each one carrying a flashback to the many training sessions he had had with both his father and the warriors on Okaara. His fists lit up with energy and he retaliated with all of his might.

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2010-06-26 01:22 am UTC (link)
He's exhausted, fighting to keep moving, but so long as Mongul is up, he needs to at least remain a threat, flanking Mongul along with Nate to divide his attention so one or the other gets in a decent shot, continuing to swing away, even if he isn't nearly as precise as before.

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2010-06-26 01:35 am UTC (link)

It's easy to see that the fight it taking a toll on Jon more than it is on Nate. Not because of a difference in skill, but because Nate Knows His Father Well. When he can, Nate either blocks attacks for Jon or he uses Jon to create an opening for an attack. Despite preparation and experience, it still isn't easy to fight his father. After all, Nate has never beaten him in a spar.

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2010-06-26 01:42 am UTC (link)
Most of the injury came from fighting Mongul while Nate decided what direction he was going to go. Jon's father has beaten Mongul, but its never been a sure thing. Right now, he's less worried over who does what than he is about making sure Mongul leaves Tamaran.

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2010-06-26 01:55 am UTC (link)

"You cannot win, Father." Nate combines physical attacks with energy attacks. Starbolt beams from his eyes head straight at his father.

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2010-06-30 01:16 am UTC (link)
The combined assault from his son and the Kryptonian is too much for Mongul to handle. A look of pure disbelief flashes across the yellow alien's face before his eyes roll back and he collapses to the ground with a mighty thud.

He does not move again, though he does groan in pain.

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