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lantern_kid ([info]lantern_kid) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
@ 2010-05-09 15:10:00

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Entry tags:avia free, inactive - alerron ya, inactive - avalon, inactive - henry jordan, inactive - hope free, inactive - josh casey, inactive - katima sers, inactive - natand'r, jon kent, npc - mongul

Approaching New Tamaran
Once Sodam Yat finally was done with his mission and could reply to Henry's message, he was on Earth in the matter of hours. A short time later, and they'd assembled their team.

Lead by the Ion-powered Yat, the rest of the team was made up of Henry, Avalon, Katima, LifeForce, Jon Kent, the Free kids of Hope and Avia, and, of course, Alerron, son of Starfire and Yat.

The plan was a simple one. There would be many Tamaranians unhappy with Blackfire's rule. Head down to the surface, take out Blackfire, free Starfire. Once Starfire was free, the ruling of the planet should be easily transferred.

This had been Josh's first trip through space, and he was still worried about his boyfriend. He made sure to hold his hand tightly through the space-trip, which thankfully was faster than he could do alone due to the warp capabilities of a Blue Lantern.

He glances back to the others as the world comes into view below.

"Everyone ready?" he asks them. "Remember, Yat and Alerron handle Blackfire. Hope and Avia, find Starfire and get her free. The rest of us, provide cover where needed. She'll probably have some muscle in there to help her keep power, but it shouldn't be anything too powerful -- she'll want to have control over them. Which means the rest of us can handle it."

He leans over to whisper in Josh's ear, giving his hand a reassuring squeeze. "We're almost there. Hang on, handsome."

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2010-05-13 04:41 am UTC (link)
Josh leaps back again as the Cicada construct slashes open another wound on his chest. "Stay away!" he demands of the glowing yellow being.

"No! I'm not like you! I heal people! I'm a hero, not some psycho cult leader!" he yelled, blocking another slash even if it partially cut into his arm. "I'm one of the good guys. LifeForce!" he yells, struggling against his own fears.

Of course he's momentarily distracted by sensing his friends get hurt. This allows the Cicada construct to plunge that lightning-bolt shaped dagger right into LifeForce's midsection.

There's a momentary freeze as Josh looks wide-eyed from the knife in his guy to the grinning construct holding it. Slowly the shocked expression becomes an angry one and those white flames flare up around Josh like they did during the battle with the Brain Trust. There's a rather nasty CRACK as the healer rears back and punches Cicada-construct full force, knocking him back. Pulling the knife out, Josh tosses it right into the construct, stabbing him with his own weapon and breaking it. The healer turns an angry glare at Mongul but can't do much else. He's vulnerable for a moment while he heals, just glaring at the enemy with glowing eyes.

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2010-05-13 07:10 pm UTC (link)
Seeing Josh get hurt like that makes something snap within Avalon. He gives a rather guttural cry and then points a palm at Josh as he directs a force shield to protect him.

This trip into space has been a real stretch for Avalon's mastery of his Ring, but at the same time, it seems that because of that challenge he has unlocked more ability. Blue fire starts to crackle from his eyes as he then turns his other palm to Mongul and summons a quite forceful concussive blast at the other alien. All of this, and he still keeps leeching Mongul.

"You threaten to take my wings.. you threaten my friends.. You are nothing but an overgrown bully who is afraid of loosing." he snarls, "Perhaps it is time that you faced your fears instead of imposing them on all of the rest of us!"

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2010-05-14 01:30 am UTC (link)
"I fear nothing, ingrate. You intrude on my home, attack my wife and son, and still dare to call yourselves right." Mongul snarls.

This battle isn't going to plan. So it's time to change plans.

Mongul ends the chest blast, and focuses his remaining ring power into flight and shielding himself. Noting the position of the Green and Indigo Lanterns, Mongul launches himself at the one that now annoys him most: the Blue.

He summons brute strength, amplified by his ability to instill fear and tries to smite the Blue Lantern before the others can stop him.

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2010-05-14 03:05 am UTC (link)
Katima is innately aware of it when Mongul chooses to focus on Avalon and thus she changes colors yet again, going back to green and heading right towards Mongul.

She uses her best skill. She teleports herself directly between Mongul and Avalon, preparing herself to take a direct hit.

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2010-05-14 04:34 am UTC (link)
"KAT!" Henry screams, seeing what's happening before it's done. He sees how this is going -- even with LifeForce along and healing, the damage Mongul is dishing out is just too much for them to handle. He launches himself at Mongul's back. Perhaps if he takes the lumps for a bit, the others can recover...

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2010-05-14 05:53 am UTC (link)
Not yet fully healed thanks to how deeply he was stabbed and the unusual shape of the weapon, LifeForce can only watch and worry as Mongul heads into a crash course with Henry, Ava, and Katima.


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2010-05-15 01:29 am UTC (link)
Avalon just grits his teeth and refuses to be cowed by fear - he just brings his hands together before himself and fortifies his shields even as Mongul cracks through them. Things are under control, he thinks, until Kat jumps in front of Mongul. He watches in horror as she and Henry clash against Mongul, and then he can't quite help but loose his cool.

Screaming out Kat's name, Avalon lets loose a rather draining blue blast of force at the yellow alien. Even if the blast affects Mongul, it's probably too late for him, Mongul smites rather well.

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2010-05-17 01:52 am UTC (link)
Mongul's rings are nearly depleted, but that only fuels Mongul's desire to see his enemies fall. Mongul will attack Katima next, raising both arms to bring them down on her. He hopes to beat her down and move on to the human, and finally the Green Lantern.

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2010-05-17 03:30 am UTC (link)
She had moved too quickly to put herself in Mongul's way and so when he brings down his arms, she cannot dodge. He gets a direct strike and she cries out, momentarily dazed before she makes a massive green fist and strikes back, but it's clear she's been dazed and a bit of blood runs from her ear.

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2010-05-17 04:00 am UTC (link)
Henry plans to give her time to recover, no matter what it takes. He moves in front of Kat, getting directly in Mongul's face, and he sends a punch towards Mongul's jaw, as hard as he can, even if it means he'll break his hand.

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2010-05-17 04:17 am UTC (link)
Each blow and strike brings a cringe from LifeForce but it doesn't stop him from working. He rushes to Avalon's side, applying his healing energies quickly to bring Ava back from the smiting. "C'mon, Ava..." he whispers. Once Ava is healed, he moves to help Kat and Henry.

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2010-05-18 04:39 pm UTC (link)
Mongul takes the punch from Henry, falling back a bit, but smiling even as he does so.

"You've got almost as much confidence as your father, Young Jordan. But you're like him in another way. Helpless to save people who mean something to you." Mongul says.

Mongul takes another punch from Henry, allowing the young man to get close enough, before bringing a massive elbow down on the back of Henry's skull. Even with his shields up, the blow is powerful, for Mongul has no concept of holding back.

Then, he turns his attention on Lifeforce.

"Humans are the most filthy and vile creatures of the universe, but at least Jordan challenges be directly. You slink about like vermin, hoping not to be seen.

And now...you are exterminated, vermin." Mongul says, opening up with the full force of his chest beam on Josh.

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2010-05-19 12:07 am UTC (link)
"Leave him alone!"

Kat, still bleeding and still out of it takes a swing at Mongul, hoping to deflect a bit of the beam so that Josh does not come under direct fire.

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2010-05-20 04:12 am UTC (link)
Henry can only stagger as he sees the blast hit LifeForce, his vision swimming from Mongul's elbow to his skull. He's sure he has a concussion, but he's not going to slow down... he just needs to make sure he's seeing what he's looking at.

He rockets at Mongul again, trying to drive him away from Josh. He wants Mongul's attention focused on him, dammit... let the others do their work.

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2010-05-20 04:59 am UTC (link)
Flesh burning, bones breaking, and a lot of pain.

Josh hits the ground looking like he's not going to be getting back up.

"Oh," of course he is getting back up though, regenerating quickly. Burns melt away, bones reknit, and flesh regrows as some rather morbid show as LifeForce gets back to his feet slowly. "You're gonna have to try harder than that, you coward," he says.

"You've got no room to talk," he says, starting to glow as he directs his healong power at the three lanterns again. "Hiding in the shadows and throwing plants because you're afraid to fight your own battle, getting people you enslave and oppress to do with you want with fear and promises you'll never keep..." he trails off, walking towards Mongul. "You're the pathetic vermin. And if you intend to exterminate me," he rushes forward to throw a punch. He knows he can't do much against Mongul but he's trying to provide an opening for the others to attack. "Hit me with everything you have! I'll just keep coming because I'm here fighting for what's right just like Henry, Alleron, and all the others!"

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2010-05-21 01:20 am UTC (link)
Mongul notes that they're all still fighting and has to hand it to this bunch; they don't know when to quit. Or maybe they don't know how. It's no matter, though.

He plans to show them just how. He avoids Katima's attack, batting her aside again with little effort. He also sidesteps Henry's charge, deceptively quick for such a large being.

He reaches for Lifeforce, grasping him by the throat, even as the young man swings at him.

"You have courage human. Little wit, but much courage. I bet your friend thinks that I'm vulnerable now that I'm paying attention to you.

More fool he." Mongul smiles, venom is in his eyes.

He turns, and using Josh as a club, proceeds to batter Henry through his shields with his full strength. He's aware that a human body cannot hold up to such punishment, even with shielding. He's also aware that Josh's body is even more fragile without.

Which is why he pummels Henry Jordan with his friend's body as though he's a child playing Smash-A-Torvyn again, roaring with glee as he hears the sounds of pain increase.

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2010-05-21 01:23 am UTC (link)
Henry sees Josh coming, and knows that his shields are strong enough to do serious damage to his boyfriend.

So he drops the shield, taking the serious battering, feeling bones breaking from the repeated collisions... before he passes out completely.

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2010-05-21 06:57 am UTC (link)
Josh curses softly as he feels his hand break in a few places when he hits Mongul. He doesn't get a chance to do much else before that big hand closes on his throat. "Erk!" is all he can get out.

His eyes go wide as he realizes what's about to happen and Josh immediately curses himself for not being stronger or having a more offensive power. Every strike and impact is felt two-fold, Josh's concern more on the damage he senses from Henry than his own pain.

Dammit! Henry put your shields back up! Don't worry about me! he kicks himself mentally a few more times. When he feels Henry pass out, Josh curses again but it sounds far more garbled thanks to the hand crushing his throat. He tries to focus his power on healing his friends but the constant swinging and striking makes it a bit too hard.

Eventually he ends up hanging limply in Mongul's grasp, only awake because his powers won't let him pass out. And he really wants to because having all those broken bones and other injures HURTS.

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2010-05-22 01:19 am UTC (link)
"Did you really think you could just walk into our home and push us over, Lantern?!" Mongul yells, hitting him with Josh again.

"As arrogant as your father, and twice as fragile. But, I want you to understand true suffering, Henry Jordan. You care enough for this one to let down your shields. Now I'm going to show you what your father will feel when I send word that I have you." Mongul says.

Mongul drops Josh to the floor, then proceeds to lift his massive foot and drive it down onto Josh's ribs. He does once, then twice, then again.

Then he waits.

"Ah...so you do heal from injury. This will be fun." Mongul says.

Then he steps on Josh's hand. Then an ankle, then a wrist.

"Scream, Jordan. Beg me to stop." Mongul commands.

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2010-05-22 01:34 am UTC (link)
Josh grunts in pain when dropped. He tries to move but only gets out a pained cry as he's stepped on, a real bloody mess. He shoots a glare up at Mongul as he heals but can't quite move.

The healer tries to hold back noises of pain as each step breaks bones and damages the surrounding tissue. He grits his teeth as Mongul goes on, trying to move again but getting just a bit of wriggling. "He's unconscious, jerk," the healer spits out, waiting for the next round of pain he's almost sure is coming.

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2010-05-22 01:37 am UTC (link)
"Oh, that's too bad, human. Then I suppose the screams will have to come when I place him in the Embrace of Pain." Mongul says.

He resumes stomping on Josh's extremities.

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2010-05-22 01:59 am UTC (link)
Josh doesn't like the sound of the Embrace of Pain. He starts to say something but the stomping starts again and gets a yell of pain. He cries out with each stomp, healing only to be stomped again and again...

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