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lantern_kid ([info]lantern_kid) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
@ 2010-05-09 15:10:00

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Entry tags:avia free, inactive - alerron ya, inactive - avalon, inactive - henry jordan, inactive - hope free, inactive - josh casey, inactive - katima sers, inactive - natand'r, jon kent, npc - mongul

Approaching New Tamaran
Once Sodam Yat finally was done with his mission and could reply to Henry's message, he was on Earth in the matter of hours. A short time later, and they'd assembled their team.

Lead by the Ion-powered Yat, the rest of the team was made up of Henry, Avalon, Katima, LifeForce, Jon Kent, the Free kids of Hope and Avia, and, of course, Alerron, son of Starfire and Yat.

The plan was a simple one. There would be many Tamaranians unhappy with Blackfire's rule. Head down to the surface, take out Blackfire, free Starfire. Once Starfire was free, the ruling of the planet should be easily transferred.

This had been Josh's first trip through space, and he was still worried about his boyfriend. He made sure to hold his hand tightly through the space-trip, which thankfully was faster than he could do alone due to the warp capabilities of a Blue Lantern.

He glances back to the others as the world comes into view below.

"Everyone ready?" he asks them. "Remember, Yat and Alerron handle Blackfire. Hope and Avia, find Starfire and get her free. The rest of us, provide cover where needed. She'll probably have some muscle in there to help her keep power, but it shouldn't be anything too powerful -- she'll want to have control over them. Which means the rest of us can handle it."

He leans over to whisper in Josh's ear, giving his hand a reassuring squeeze. "We're almost there. Hang on, handsome."

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2010-05-12 11:30 pm UTC (link)
Alerron dodges one or two of the next blasts that come at him, but the next two hit him, and his starbolts begin to fail in their intensity. This battle can be decided at long-range, and Alerron knows it.

He finds cover behind a pillar momentarily, looking for a way to close the distance between himself and Blackfire.

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2010-05-13 03:13 am UTC (link)
Satisfied with her closeness to Alerron -- close enough to hit him accurately, far enough away to avoid melee combat -- she begins firing blasts to keep him pinned behind the pillar.

"Guards!" she declares. "Bring me his head!"

Several guards charge Alerron while he's pinned at his current location.

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2010-05-13 03:31 am UTC (link)
Alerron realizes what Blackfire is up to, and knows he's got to stop her before she can score killing blow on him, or someone else.

The first of the guards come at him, and he yanks the oncoming weapon out of the man's hands, then hits him with it, adding his still-considerable strength to the blow.

Still, there are several others, and Alerron deals with them while trying to keep himself covered. He can't deal with too many more Blackfire's draining blasts before he's done to his normal strength or worse.

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2010-05-21 01:37 pm UTC (link)
While he's pinned, Blackfire moves to a new location, hoping to get a better shot. The remaining three guards, meanwhile, stab at him with their pikes, hoping to pin him to the pillar.

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2010-05-21 10:58 pm UTC (link)
Alerron notes when the shots stop coming, and goes into action. He takes a pike from the nearest guard and uses it to stab the man he took it from. Then he parries another strike, and moves to put the remaining guards between himself and Blackfire.

"I see your fear, Aunt Kommand'r! You cannot beat me, so you send your lackeys to die in your place!"

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2010-05-22 01:13 am UTC (link)
"You are not worth the effort, child," she retorts, firing at the intervening soldier to get him out of the way. He collapses from the blast, and she fires at him again and again.

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2010-05-22 01:25 am UTC (link)
"Spoken like a true coward." Alerron taunts, moving away from the next two blasts as the other soldiers go down. He can't keep this up much longer, so he's either going to win, or die.

He charges Blackfire with the pike, using what's left of his enhanced speed to close the distance between them before she can ready another blast, hoping to impale her.

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2010-05-22 03:37 am UTC (link)
She twists, but the pike still impales part of her torso, and she grunts in pain.

"Impudent whelp!" she screams, firing more blasts at him, even as her blood begins to spill out of the wound.

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2010-05-22 03:50 am UTC (link)
At this range, he can't dodge the blasts and feels his power drain from him with each attack. Still, he continues to push the pike into her torso, hoping that he can bring her down before she kills him.

"This is for my people..." he says, twisting the pike and driving her back toward the wall.

"This is for my father." he snarls, trying to push her back further with each step toward the wall.

"This...is for ME!" he yells, attempting to lift her from the ground and drive the pike even deeper.

Alerron feels his strength failing him, but then remembers his mother, beautiful and strong as always...then remembers how bad she looked before he'd managed to escape, when she bid him to escape and leave her. All she'd ever wanted was her sister's love, but Kommand'r hated Koriand'r for actions their parents had taken.

"And this...is for my mother!" Alerron roars, snapping the pike at the base of the wound, so that Blackfire cannot attempt to pull it out.

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2010-05-22 04:03 am UTC (link)
Blackfire screams as the pike is snapped, then stops struggling and goes limp. Whether she is unconscious or dead is unclear.

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2010-05-27 12:42 am UTC (link)
Alerron collapses to a sitting position shortly thereafter. He needs to recover from those blasts.

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