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dc_baddie ([info]dc_baddie) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
"Did you really think you could just walk into our home and push us over, Lantern?!" Mongul yells, hitting him with Josh again.

"As arrogant as your father, and twice as fragile. But, I want you to understand true suffering, Henry Jordan. You care enough for this one to let down your shields. Now I'm going to show you what your father will feel when I send word that I have you." Mongul says.

Mongul drops Josh to the floor, then proceeds to lift his massive foot and drive it down onto Josh's ribs. He does once, then twice, then again.

Then he waits.

"Ah...so you do heal from injury. This will be fun." Mongul says.

Then he steps on Josh's hand. Then an ankle, then a wrist.

"Scream, Jordan. Beg me to stop." Mongul commands.

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