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healingbug ([info]healingbug) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
Josh curses softly as he feels his hand break in a few places when he hits Mongul. He doesn't get a chance to do much else before that big hand closes on his throat. "Erk!" is all he can get out.

His eyes go wide as he realizes what's about to happen and Josh immediately curses himself for not being stronger or having a more offensive power. Every strike and impact is felt two-fold, Josh's concern more on the damage he senses from Henry than his own pain.

Dammit! Henry put your shields back up! Don't worry about me! he kicks himself mentally a few more times. When he feels Henry pass out, Josh curses again but it sounds far more garbled thanks to the hand crushing his throat. He tries to focus his power on healing his friends but the constant swinging and striking makes it a bit too hard.

Eventually he ends up hanging limply in Mongul's grasp, only awake because his powers won't let him pass out. And he really wants to because having all those broken bones and other injures HURTS.

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