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dc_baddie ([info]dc_baddie) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
Mongul notes that they're all still fighting and has to hand it to this bunch; they don't know when to quit. Or maybe they don't know how. It's no matter, though.

He plans to show them just how. He avoids Katima's attack, batting her aside again with little effort. He also sidesteps Henry's charge, deceptively quick for such a large being.

He reaches for Lifeforce, grasping him by the throat, even as the young man swings at him.

"You have courage human. Little wit, but much courage. I bet your friend thinks that I'm vulnerable now that I'm paying attention to you.

More fool he." Mongul smiles, venom is in his eyes.

He turns, and using Josh as a club, proceeds to batter Henry through his shields with his full strength. He's aware that a human body cannot hold up to such punishment, even with shielding. He's also aware that Josh's body is even more fragile without.

Which is why he pummels Henry Jordan with his friend's body as though he's a child playing Smash-A-Torvyn again, roaring with glee as he hears the sounds of pain increase.

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