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healingbug ([info]healingbug) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
Flesh burning, bones breaking, and a lot of pain.

Josh hits the ground looking like he's not going to be getting back up.

"Oh," of course he is getting back up though, regenerating quickly. Burns melt away, bones reknit, and flesh regrows as some rather morbid show as LifeForce gets back to his feet slowly. "You're gonna have to try harder than that, you coward," he says.

"You've got no room to talk," he says, starting to glow as he directs his healong power at the three lanterns again. "Hiding in the shadows and throwing plants because you're afraid to fight your own battle, getting people you enslave and oppress to do with you want with fear and promises you'll never keep..." he trails off, walking towards Mongul. "You're the pathetic vermin. And if you intend to exterminate me," he rushes forward to throw a punch. He knows he can't do much against Mongul but he's trying to provide an opening for the others to attack. "Hit me with everything you have! I'll just keep coming because I'm here fighting for what's right just like Henry, Alleron, and all the others!"

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