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dc_holiday ([info]dc_holiday) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
@ 2010-05-09 01:26:00

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Entry tags:avia free, cait curry, dinah kord, dr fate, goldstar, holiday, inactive - alerron ya, inactive - alex rice-matthews, inactive - avalon, inactive - damien wilson, inactive - hope free, inactive - josh casey, inactive - katima sers, inactive - kieran grey, inactive - lian harper, inactive - marissa wayne, inactive - max szasz, inactive - morgaine king, inactive - nicolette hall, inactive - robert queen, inactive - scott rayner-west, inactive - tim kent, inactive - traya smith, inactive - warhawk, inactive - wendi tyler, iris west, jerry carr, joey mason, mourning dove, npc - batman, npc - jai west, npc - mia dearden, npc - tim drake, petra gardner, will freeman, zachary zatara

Mother's Day
Mothers are the place that we call home.
On them we rest our heads and close our eyes.
There's no one else who grants the same soft peace,
Happiness, contentment, sweet release,
Erasing nighttime tears with lullabies,
Restoring the bright sun that makes us bloom. - Anonymous

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2010-05-09 03:34 pm UTC (link)
Lian never really celebrated Mother's Day, her mom never really being around to celebrate it to begin with. She did however, send a card and flowers to Aunt Dinah for Mother's Day.

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