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Avalon Jordan ([info]bluelantern) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
@ 2010-05-04 21:59:00

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Entry tags:inactive - avalon, inactive - eli coyne

Winged beasts both fair and foul
It's been several weeks since Avalon got drunk with Eli and kissed him. Of course, that kiss quickly stopped their little discussion because Eli had fled away as quickly as he could. Now, several weeks later, Avalon is worried about his strange friend. He's not seen him again, and after speaking with Eli, he can't help but be struck with the urge to find the other winged creature.

Using his ring, Avalon follows the tracking unit to wherever Eli may be lurking.. He's cautious though, he's not sure if Eli will want to see him.

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2010-05-05 03:54 am UTC (link)
"Ah..." replies Avalon. He goes to sit next to Eli, simply content to sit quietly and watch the traffic as well.

After a bit, he idly says "Do you do this often?"

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2010-05-06 01:37 am UTC (link)
"Sometimes." Then in a moment of deepness for Eli, he says. "They're like the arteries of the city, the freeways... you know it's alive with all the cars on it."

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2010-05-06 03:29 am UTC (link)
Avalon just nods his head, thinking over Eli's words. Finally, in a soft tone he says "For me, I know the city is alive because I can sense it's hope.. or lack there of. Earth has lost a lot of it's hope, it seems... I am glad that I have been sent here to help the people remember."

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2010-05-06 03:34 pm UTC (link)
There's a shake of his head as Eli says. "No, it still has a lot of hope. See how everyone goes about their business as if nothing bad will happen. How they're unafraid just sitting their in their cars. They go about their days without any thought."

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2010-05-11 04:07 am UTC (link)
"Depends on what kind of hope you are talking about." Avalon grins to Eli. He sighs then and settles to sit next to the other man, his tone soft "How about you? How is your hope?"

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2010-05-11 02:22 pm UTC (link)
"It's nice to be able to get the half gallon Slurpee again."

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