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superpowerboy ([info]superpowerboy) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
@ 2010-05-01 02:52:00

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Entry tags:cait curry, dinah kord, inactive - tim kent, npc - cerdian

Confusing Breakfast (open!)
Tim had been spending most of his time since arriving in this odd dimension in the room he'd been given. He'd venture out occasionally to the roof or to grab a quick snack but mostly he stuck to the room reading up on history. Mostly it was the same but there were a few things different in the past.

This Saturday morning, things are different. He's down in Titans Tower kitchen in shorts and t-shirt bearing the S-symbol staring at the selection of cereal in the cabinet.

"I have never heard of any of these before..." he trails off, trying to decide on breakfast and wondering if there arr Titans around he can ask for info on the cereal.

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2010-05-03 09:05 pm UTC (link)
"I'm going to play with Hope and her pod this morning and then I have work this afternoon." Cait sipped her tea. She wasn't quite ready for food yet.

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2010-05-03 09:23 pm UTC (link)
Tim lets out a thoughtful noise. "Sounds like fun stuff," he says, considering what he'd be doing all day.

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2010-05-03 09:41 pm UTC (link)
"How about you?" Cerdian asks Tim. "What's on your agenda?"

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2010-05-07 03:08 am UTC (link)
Tim laughs sheepishy. "Honestly...nothing," he says. "I'm sorta lookin' for something to do," he chuckles.

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