Ty shakes his head. "Amazo was my grandfather. In theory, I have all the powers of the Secret Society... the problem is, I can control the powers of a handful of them. The other two-hundred members overloaded the cells... whenever I get stressed, random powersets of various other members show up in uncontrolled fashion. So I never know, as soon as things get messy, if I'm going to suddenly need to ask the bad guys a riddle, start playing with a mafioso hand puppet, or turn into a giant purple tyrannosaurus and try and eat my teammates... or something worse." he explains, in the easy version.
Normally he wouldn't be so forthcoming, but he figures its only fair, since he read the guy's mind.
"There's showers upstairs, give me your size and I'll transmute you some clothes. When things are nice and calm like this, that kind of stuff is easy enough."
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